Chapter 2 - Funerals and Train Stations

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Chapter 2 – Funerals and Train Stations

            Getting ready and fancy for a funeral (on which on the contrary, Hermione has sadly gotten used to, since she was now famous and many people had asked her to attend funerals of people she didn’t even know; and she couldn’t have said no to them without feeling guilty), was not what Hermione wanted to do for somebody she cared about. Even Fred, she felt like crawling in a corner with her knees tucked in to her body, wearing a robe and not getting ready for the day; and cry. Fred was somebody that she felt was part of her life growing up, and although she always yelled at the two twins for always goofing off at school, she actually enjoyed it. Now it’s over and she won’t be able to turn back time. She has been telling herself this for the past seven years actually.

            Pulling her dress over her body and straightening it out, she felt slightly guilty for inviting a certain Malfoy over, but she knows he won’t come. No matter what.

Sighing, she forced herself to take her mind off other things and just focus on getting through the day. The Weasley family has been so busy, they already had a private burial for Fred, but they haven’t had a full validate funeral. Several months later. This is sadly due to the full schedule of Hermione, Ron, and Harry. The Weasley family respected that, and so the trio respected that as well. Today is the one free day the three has had in months, and now they were going to a funeral.

            Hermione slipped on her shoes and looking in the mirror, finding herself acceptable, she fled down the stairs of the burrow. Ginny was still getting ready, but everybody else was getting things ready in the yard. Hermione went to help, but when she finally got to the porch, everything has already been completed. Feeling like she should be doing something, she headed to the gate to help Percy welcome everybody and thank them for coming.

            When the time came, everybody in the Weasley family were in their positions as people began to apperate to the outskirts of the family’s home. As Percy spoke, I smiled kindly in a sad way and shook everybody’s hand and took some of their coats. Twenty minutes later, feeling like everybody that was invited had come; Percy set off to meet his family again. Hermione that was adorned with a few coats went to put them inside when she heard a slight ‘pop’ behind her. Turning around, she was surprised to find a disgruntled Draco Malfoy dusting himself off on which he looked like he was covered in a nice layer of dust.

            Letting go of the pile of coats, which automatically floated in the air; I walked over to Malfoy.

“What happened to you?” I asked. Looking up, he gave me an annoyed look and giving himself one more good pat, he replied grumpily. “My mom is what happened, I told her last minute. She was freaking out, threw a dust pan full of dirt at me.”

My eyebrows rose a bit. “I thought you wouldn’t have come, guessing that was the reason why you were late?”

            He nodded earnestly. “Yeah; are you sure the Weasley family is okay with me coming?”

I shrugged, “As long as you give them support, it shouldn’t be a problem.” He nodded in understanding.

            “Are you carrying those coats inside?” He nodded towards the floating pile of clothing dangling in the air.

“Yeah,” I answered. “Why, do you want to join me or something?”

He looked nervously at the small crowd talking to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

“I don’t mind.” As we trudged towards the house, we tried a light conversation, but today wasn’t the day.

            Dropping the pile of clothes on a table next to the backdoor, we turned around to the family and crowd. Everybody was sitting down, Hermione and Draco followed suit. Some gave him awkward stares and others barely looked at him at all. Mr. Weasley had invited Hermione to give a speech, but she turned him down kindly telling him that she had nothing to say, everybody already knew how she felt about him. He accepted the answer just as kind as Hermione and patted her hand walking away.

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