The taste for blood

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Dawn and Giselle pulled into the parking lot. They got out of Dawn's truck and walked in.
"So what exactly are you getting a check up for?"
"Just getting some blood work done."
The word 'blood' made Dawn cringe. Then all of a sudden, her teeth hurt. She had the sudden urge to bite into raw flesh. Her k9's grew slightly with sharp tips. She was surprised when she stuck her finger into her mouth...
"Holy shit!!"
"What's wrong Dawn??"
"Uhh... Nothing... I think I started my period..."
So they ran inside the doctor's office, and raced straight to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror. She opened her mouth to reveal that she had grown fangs.
"Oh no! This can't be happening! Not here! Not now! Oh God! Oh shit!!!
Then her heard a knock at the door.

(Knock knock knock)
" Dawn? Are you okay?? Do you need a tamp?"
It was Giselle.
"No. I'm okay. False alarm hehe." (Lol vampires don't have periods.. They dead!)
"Well okay just making sure... Love ya!"
"Love you too..."
"Okay.. I'll be on the waiting room if you need me."
So Giselle went and sat down.
Dawn on the other hand was still locked in the bathroom.
"Okay, okay just don't think about it... Think of a happy time... Think about what makes you happy..." Dawn whispers to herself.. Her minds starts to drift... The image of Max was instantly the first thing to pop in her head.. The image of him asking her to be his date to the prom. The image of his smile. The image of the wind messing up his cheek length, sandy brown hair... Dawn slowly returned to reality.. She looked in the mirror to find her fangs had shrunk down to normal size..
"Oh thank God-"
She brushed herself off and walked out of the bathroom and into the waiting room, where she seated herself beside Giselle.
"Everything okay??" Giselle asked.
"Yeah. Everything's cool."
"Cool.. Ya know,when I was-"
"Giselle Halliwell. The doctor will see you now."
Giselle's sentence was cut short when the nurse walked into the waiting room.
"Oh okay... Hey Dawn.. Can you come with me? I'm afraid of needles." Giselle said shamelessly.
"Hahahaha! You're 18 years old, and still afraid of getting shots!"
Dawn got up out of her seat and followed Giselle and the nurse to the examination room. Giselle sat herself up onto the bed, and Dawn sat down in a chair right next to her.
"The doctor will be with you shortly." The nurse said as she walked out, Giselle nodded in acknowledgement. They waited for about 10 minutes when the doctor and a phlebotomist(pertainer to blood) walked in, carrying a packaged needle and a pint sized container (for the blood obviously). Giselle turned from calm to a nervous wreck. She saw the needle. She started sweating.
"Am I the only one burning up in here??" Giselle said as she tied up her long light brown hair in a ponytail to keep it off her neck.
"Giselle it's okay just calm down. You're just nervous is all." Dawn said as she got up out of her chair and sat on the bed beside her.
The doctor was ready.
"Okay you're going to feel a sting-" the doctor said as he stuck the needle in the vain on the inside part of the elbow. Giselle squirmed around a little, Dawn held her hand of her free arm and watch the needle as the blood poured itself from the needle into the container.
*Control yourself Dawn. Don't give in to the temptations.* her self conscience told herself..
*Don't expose yourself. Don't let your best friend know that you're a vampire. Think of happy things. Think of Max. Think of all the things you admire about him..* Dawn thought of Max. He made her feel so happy. Even though they aren't a couple, she feels protected by him, like nothing bad can happen to her. She's has never told anyone. She never really admitted it to herself... She's in love with Max...

A/N sorry it's a bit boring right now. But I promise I'll make it better.

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