~Chapter Nine~

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"Get up, Blair."

I squinted into the bright light of my bedroom to see Daniel's figure standing above me. He yanked the warm sheets from over my body. Slowly, I sat up, rubbing sleep from my eyes. I noticed that it was dark outside, just like it was when Daniel woke me up every morning. But this felt different. It felt abnormally early to be awake.

"Daniel, what time is it?" I inquired?

"Three A.M."

I looked at him crankily. Why three A.M?

Daniel stared down at me condescendingly. "Well, what are you waiting for? Get ready," he demanded, shrugging. He looked down at my mostly-naked body, my bra and panties giving me the only protection from his eyes.

"Get out of my room, you pervert!" I screamed at him.

"Fine, fine," Daniel grumbled, as he put his hands up in defense. I stood up next to him. Daniel easily had a head on me height-wise and probably weighed a good sixty pounds more than I did, but I still shoved him to the door of my room with all of my might. He walked forward, letting me direct him. I opened the door, shoved him into the hallway, and slammed the door on his face. Finally.

After I had gotten dressed and ready, I walked into the hallway, where Daniel was waiting for me. As soon as I got within arm distance of him, he unexpectedly grasped my wrist and began pulling me forward. I grunted. His firm grip was hurting me. It wasn't normal for him to pull me like this. Was this just revenge from my shoving him out a few minutes earlier?

Daniel dragged me outside and down the path. He was leading me toward the entrance gates. When we arrived at the gates, I saw Colonel Raff waiting for us.

"You're late, Daniel," she muttered through clenched teeth.

"Somebody decided that she was going to be a stubborn asshole and not get up," Daniel growled. I glared at him, irritated.

Colonel Raff put on a fake smile. "No matter. Anyways, the plane is waiting for you on the runway. Weapons, foods, and other supplies have already been loaded on. Here's your information." Colonel Raff handed Daniel a Manila folder stuffed neatly with papers. Daniel nodded and grabbed my wrist again, pulling me outside of the opening front gates. I gazed back at the Academy walls as Daniel led me away from them. Curiosity consumed me.

"Daniel, where are we going?" I inquired.


"What's an Assignment?"

Daniel did not respond.

"I said, 'what is an Assignment?'"

"Just shut up and stop asking questions!" Daniel yelled at me. I rolled my eyes.

We got to the runway in ten minutes. There was the plane, running on the asphalt. The silhouette of a man stood outside of the open plane door. Approaching the plane, I saw that it was Captain Allen, the man who had flown me here. He smiled at me affectionately, to which I returned.

"Welcome aboard," he greeted us. Daniel smiled flatly and dragged me onto the plane. Once we were on board, he dragged me into the first class section. I slapped his hand to get him to release his hold on me, and he did.

Daniel chose a set of four chairs surrounding a table. He dropped the file on the table and sat down. I sat down across from him.

Captain Allen walked down the aisle and stopped at our table. "We're looking at a four hour flight if conditions are optimal. Once we get there, we will wait for you on the runway with the jets running for a quick get away if needed. Your supplies are in coach. Enjoy your flight." With that, he smiled at us and walked toward the cockpit. A few minutes later, Captain Allen's voice came over the Tannoy:

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