𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆-𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲

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Aiko & Heeseung

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Aiko & Heeseung

Aiko stirred awake slowly, the warmth of something—or someone—next to her making her blink her eyes open. For a moment, she forgot where she was. The soft sheets felt unfamiliar, and as her brain slowly kicked into gear, she realized she wasn't in her own bed.

She wasn't even in her own room.

She turned her head slightly, her heart skipping a beat as her gaze landed on Heeseung's face. His hand was still resting lightly on her waist, his body close enough that she could feel the soft rise and fall of his chest. He was asleep, his features completely relaxed, almost boyish in a way she hadn't seen before.

Aiko's heart raced, and she held her breath, not wanting to disturb him. He looked... peaceful. All the tension he usually carried in his face was gone, leaving him looking vulnerable, softer. She couldn't help but admire him. His long eyelashes cast faint shadows on his cheeks, his lips slightly parted, and his hair falling messily over his forehead. He looked... different. Calm.

She bit her lip, trying to ignore the fluttering in her chest. Seeing him like this—so close, so at ease—was making her feel things she didn't want to acknowledge. There was a pull between them, something magnetic, something dangerous, and lying here next to him, it was impossible to ignore.

But as she watched him sleep, the tension from last night seemed to fade into the background, replaced by something softer. Something warmer.

Her eyes widened slightly when he stirred, shifting slightly next to her. Shit. She closed her eyes quickly, pretending to still be asleep, feeling his hand move slightly on her waist. Her heart pounded in her chest as she felt his gaze on her, his warmth still surrounding her. She could hear him breathe, could sense the hesitation in his movements.

She wasn't sure how long she lay there, her mind racing, but she felt him move closer. There was a gentle touch on her forehead, and Aiko nearly flinched. Heeseung's fingers brushed a stray strand of hair from her face, his touch light, almost reverent.

"God, what are you doing to me?" Heeseung muttered softly under his breath, his voice barely above a whisper. She heard the smile in his tone. He hesitated for a second longer before pulling away, the bed shifting as he sat up.

Aiko kept her breathing steady, her heart thudding in her ears as she felt him leave her side. There was a soft rustling as he grabbed something—probably his jacket—before he walked to the door. She cracked her eyes open just a sliver and saw him glance back at her one last time before leaving the room.

Once the door clicked shut, Aiko let out the breath she'd been holding. Her heart was still racing, her mind spinning with everything that had just happened. She could still feel the ghost of his touch on her skin, the warmth of his body lingering in the sheets. Her cheeks were flushed, her thoughts a chaotic mess.

Heeseung had looked at her like she was something precious, something fragile. It was confusing as hell. The tension between them was always there, but this morning had felt different. More intimate. More real.

And it terrified her.

Aiko lay there for a few minutes, staring up at the ceiling, trying to calm her racing thoughts. The memory of his soft touch, the way his hand had rested on her waist, the gentle brush of his fingers against her face... It was all too much.

What the hell was happening between them?

After a few minutes, she sighed and sat up slowly, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. She winced slightly as she stretched, her leg still aching from the injury, though it was getting better. But right now, her leg was the least of her concerns.

Her mind was stuck on Heeseung. The way he'd looked at her. The way he made her feel.

With another deep sigh, Aiko stood up, deciding she needed to get her shit together before she spiraled any further. She padded over to the window, pulling it open to let the cool morning air fill the room. The fresh air helped, but not enough to push the lingering thoughts of Heeseung from her mind.

Heeseung, meanwhile, stood in the break room, leaning against the counter with a cup of coffee in hand. He had splashed cold water on his face after leaving his room, trying to shake off the confusion that had settled over him.

What the hell was that? He asked himself, staring blankly at the coffee in his hand. The way Aiko had looked, sleeping so peacefully beside him, had done something to him. He couldn't explain it, couldn't understand it, but it was there. He had been unable to resist brushing that strand of hair away from her face, the way her soft breathing had calmed something inside him.

Heeseung shook his head, trying to focus on anything else, but his mind kept circling back to Aiko. The way she fit perfectly against him. The warmth of her skin. The way his hand had rested so naturally on her waist, like it was supposed to be there.

God, he was losing it.

➶ ➴ ➶ ➴➶ ➴➶

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𝘀𝘂𝗿𝘃𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹 & 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 ⨳ lee heeseungWhere stories live. Discover now