'Twas not my lips you kissed but my soul.

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'Twas not my lips you kissed but my soul.-Judy Garland

     "Ashton, please. She has to tell him she loves him!" Hayden begged.

     "Now isn't a good time, he's-"

     "Just let me see him!" Cora pushed him aside, calling out Michael's name. "Mikey?"

     She forced her way through the door in search for Michael but when Hayden tried to follow after, Ashton's hand pulled her back. He had a serious look on his face. "Trust me, you don't want to go in there. He's wrecked."

     "What do you-"

     "Hayden, when I found him I had to pull the two bastards bashing his face in away from him. He didn't even put up a fight. He's drenched in the smell of alcohol and I have no idea where he even got it from."

     "Is he okay?"

     "Far from it. Listen, if she confesses her love to him it's guaranteed he won't remember when he wakes up sober."

     Hayden stormed into the apartment to grab Cora before she could make a complete fool of herself. But the so called damage was already done- and it was hardly what Ashton had described. Michael was on the couch with Cora curled into his side. His face bruised and broken. This time instead of her best friend in tears, it was Michael's eyes that were leaking. Cora was facing him and catching the waterworks before they fell. She'd whisper things and he'd smile a cracked smile each time.

     For once, they weren't fighting but facing their fears head on. The two of them more vulnerable than ever before. It was clear they had stopped running. Ashton was wrong. Michael couldn't forget anything when he woke up, if Cora was still in his arms.

     "Hayden, I think I should stay." Cora mumbled, noticing the blonde's presence. "Are you okay to go home without me?"

     "I'll make sure she makes it back safely." Ashton gave Hayden's hand a squeeze and lead her out the door.

     Once they were outside of the building, Ashton sighed. "It's funny how one second he's so upset, he lets himself get beat senseless. But then she's running back into his arms and he's never been happier."

     "It's like they wear each other out so much, they forget they can make each other better too."

    "Hayden, do you remember the other day when you said that your roommate, well- Cora, loved too recklessly. You told me you were scared we'd end up like that."

     "That was probably just the jealousy talking. The truth is, they're Michael and Cora. They're entire relationship is built on these games they play with each other. A battle of who loves who more. It's just how they work, and it's what makes them- well them. We don't have to be like that. In fact, were already far from it."

     "So, you're not the least bit scared of where this is going?" Ashton wondered.

     She shook her head. "This is going to sound like the dumbest thing I've ever said- but I trust you with my heart, Irwin. So don't fuck it up."

     Ashton's laughter plucked the air like a violin- creating a soft, warm sound that woke the world around them. Flowers and birds were looking more alive from the tune. When his chuckling had finally halted he added a quick, "Noted." And then, without another word, they were walking towards Hayden's apartment.

     The sun had begun to rise. The sky around them was a light mix of yellow and orange. It was as if a giant pumpkin had risen, surrounded by candy corn clouds. Hayden couldn't help but think the sight would look far prettier with the ocean underneath of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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