Part 34

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'You really want to wait till we got married? That's so long'
he said and tried to pull out my shirt once again

Yes it's long but god is important
But what is when he would leave me if I not do it....
I was afraid
I don't want to lose him once again
He means the world to me 'No I don't want to wait'
I answered back

I know that it's wrong I really know it is but he's ordinary
He's my first real love
I don't want to lose him because of something like this....
So we did it

I felt so wrong but also so right
This night was awesome
I slept in his bed till my phone started ringing at 4 am.."Incoming call Christina♡"

I picked it up

'Hello?' I said sleepy

'Kath? I had a fight with nick...
I want to visit you in Nashville but nick doesn't want to go to and he doesn't want me and Isabella to fly alone..' she cried
'Hey chris just come to us. Isabella need to see her family. try to explain it nick' I said tired
'I tried but he won't let us but I'll just come to you for a few weeks I need time to think'
She still cried
'I'll help you chris. everytime'

Europe Change It Book 2-'Maybe it's my turn' Katherine Cimorelli Fanfiction 2015Where stories live. Discover now