Chapter One

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I woke up to a quiet, still 'beep' sound. I took a breath of air and opened my eyes, the first figure they landed on was Chase.

"Mornin' Tiger." He said rubbing his thumb against the back side of my hand.

"Mornin'..." I said, the words coming out with a raspy tone. I coughed to my shoulder and winced. My throat burned so bad.

"How long have I been out?" I asked, staring at his deep crystal blue eyes.

He didn't speak for a minute. He was thinking.

"About a week." He said. He was frowning.

"What? What is it?" I asked forcing myself to sit up. The monitors started beeping again as my heart rate began picking up.

"I'm sorry Alex." He said squeezing my hand.

"Please, just say it...." I said.

"You're parents are dead." He said without hesitation.

I felt my heart thud. For a moment I thought it stopped. I gasped as I noticed I had been holding my breath.

Suddenly, the tears I knew would come, came.

Chase leaned over and wrapped is arms around me. He smelled like the ocean and I could almost hear the waves in his soothing 'shush'.

"Alex?" Chase said, sitting back up in his seat.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Alex, I know right now isn't the best time, but Abby's been in a coma for a week now." Chase said. Plain and simple. I hated plain and simple.

I lost my breath. I truly had nothing to say. The bright bubbly girl everyone loved, who could make you crack up even if you were in the middle of being killed.

"What about Caleb? How is he doing?" I asked, bracing myself for the worst.

Chase smiled.

"Caleb is doing the best. He got two gun shots in the arm and a bad concussion from this guy that smashed his head into a concrete wall." Chase said, cracking up.

"Woah! Tough guy there!" I said laughing.

"Blake on the other hand..." Chase said, interrupting our happy moment.

I rolled my eyes at the name and sighed.

"He's actually still in a coma too..." Chase said. He didn't look really happy, but then it hit me that Chase has been friends with Blake since they were babies. They were roommates....

"And... Last... And least, Austin. He's dead." Chase said with a grin.

"You gotta be kidding me!" I squealed.

After numerous tries of killing Austin, he was finally dead. No more hiding in fright of being killed. No more injuries. No more lives lost. 

"Alex..." Chase said. 

I didn't answer. If I did, it would probably end up in tears and-

The door busted open and three people with white coats down to there knees came in. One woman and two men. The woman stepped forward. 

"Chase. Alex." She said staring at us each time she said our name. We both stayed silent in hopes she'd spit it out. 

"I'm afraid your friend Abigail Benson has left us." She said. 

I had no reaction. I knew it was going to happen.

I turned my head to the side and closed my eyes to hide the tears. 

I heard footsteps leave the room and a quiet sob next to me.  

Then we fell into silence.

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