Chapter Two

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Chase walked into the room holding a plastic white tray with Bacon, Eggs, Pancakes, and an Apple Juice.

"Mornin' Sleepy Head." He said, setting the tray on the small table next to me.

It had been three days since Abby had died, and each day, Chase would come up with a new name to call me every morning.

I gave him a small welcoming smile and reached to grab the tray.

"Maple Syrup?" I asked, still stretching for the tray.

"Ah, right." He said, reaching inside his pocket and pulling out three small containers of maple syrup. He threw it on the tray and gave me the food.

"Chase." I said, munching on a crispy piece of bacon.

"Yeah..." He said stealing one of my mini pancakes.

"Do you think Abby is.. Alright?" I asked, like a toddler asking if his Teddy Bear will be the same after sewing it.

Chase stopped chewing for a minute and stared me straight in the eyes.

"Alex.. Of course she is. She's in heaven. With the angels." He said, smiling.

I smiled. Yeah, that was true, but not really where I was going with it.

"Am I okay?" I asked, setting my food down.

"Alex? What kind of question is that?" He asked, shaking his head at me.

"I don't know.... I just...." I sighed. What was with me?

"Alex, you're fine, I'm fine, we're all fine! I don't even-!" Chase said. I could hear the tension growing in his voice, As he got up and walked out the door.

I let a tear slide down my face as I thought about my mom, and dad, and Abby.

"I hate you Austin! I hate you so much! I glad your dead!" I screamed across my room, slamming my tray off my lap and onto the floor, sending food across the room.

I started uncontrollably screaming and clenched my fists, pounding on the small table beside me.

I'd never see them again. That was my last chance. They were dead.

My vision turned into a complete blur, and I heard the door burst open and a crowd of footsteps come running into my room.

"Her heart rate's increasing!" One woman's voice yelled.

"M'am. We're going to need to you calm down and stop screaming." Another voice said.

Monitors were beeping and I left my eyes closed.

"M'am! Calm down! At the rate your heart is beating now, you are going to cause a heart attack!" A woman said, shaking me.

Then I heard the door burst open again.

"What's going on?" A male voice asked.

"Sir, you're going to have to step out of the room." A males voice said.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on. What's wrong with her?" The voice asked again.

"We heard screaming and her monitor is beeping, meaning her heart rate is increasing and if she keeps going at this rate, there's a great chance of a heart attack." The male voice said.

"How do you know her?" The voice asked again.

"I'm Chase, her friend." Chase said.

I had stopped screaming by then, but I could still feel my heart pounding in my chest, and thudding against my ribs.

"It was all my fault!" I heard Chase sob.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to step outside of the room for a minute so we can have a talk." One of the male voices said.

"M'am, could you please take a deep breath, open your eyes, and calm down." One of the women said.

I did as she said, and relaxed. I knew there was nothing I could do about the deaths of my loved ones. That's exactly why I was upset.

Then I opened my eyes.

"Her heart rate is coming to normal." Another nurse yelled out.

One of the woman motioned for the others to leave the room.

"Do you understand or know what happened?" She asked.

"No." I said. I didn't want to have to explain. I couldn't take any anger. I couldn't take any sadness. I couldn't take any more death.

"If you can be calm and relaxed enough, there is someone who would like to see you." The woman said.

I took one last reassuring breath, and nodded.

"Are you sure? We don't want to pressure you to move out of your comfort zone." She said, brushing my hair from my face.

I nodded. "Please, let him in." I said to her. If it was Caleb, I need to know how we was doing and to ask what happened.

The nurse nodded, and headed over to the door. She stepped out of the room.

I was left alone and in silence.

Then, the door opened.

"Caleb!" I said.

I waited for him to come all the way through the door.

"Blake!" I yelled furious.

"Alex..." He said. His arm was wrapped in a cast and he kept his black hair, covering his face. Guilt. That's what he was feeling.

"Blake! Get out! I never want to see your face ever again! You killed my parents! You killed Abby! You promised to keep them safe! You promised!" I sobbed.

"Alex, I just came here to apologize. I couldn't control myself. Austin was controlling me that whole time! Alex, please, believe me. I'm sorry!" He said. He turned to walk back out the door.

"Don't expect me to ever talk to you again. I hate you so much! I'm glad Austin died, but why couldn't it have been you?" I yelled. I knew that was mean, but I really couldn't stand him.

Blake turned on his heels and walked straight out the door. The door slammed shut.

I closed my eyes and began sobbing again.

For a person that killed my family and friends, why would he expect me to accept his apology? He hurt me!

Why would he expect to want to even look at him?

I wanted Caleb, he always knew how to fix these situations.

I didn't have my mom to talk to, mother daughter. I didn't have my father to talk to about vampire stuff. I didn't have Abby to make me laugh. I still was furious with Chase. And Blake.... I don't even have words.

I have no one but Caleb left. I wanted Caleb to come in, but I knew he was still injured.

I closed my eyes and snuggled under the thin sheet. I wanted to forget about today, and all of the days before. I want to forget about Mom, Dad, Abby, Austin, and Blake.

I know sometime I'll come back around for Chase, but for now it was just me and Caleb.

We could work together, no more death, no more anger, no more crying, no more befriending... It was all done...

It was over. And I was fine with that for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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