Just for this Moment {Lithuania x Belarus}

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Lithuania sighs, dragging the right sleeve of his suit across his forehead, beads of sweat trickling down the pale skin. The country knew what he was getting himself into when Russia made him shovel all of the snow in his driveway. With the below freezing temperatures, Lithuania has expected his body temperature to be much cooler. Oddly enough, doing such a strenuous workout as shoveling an entire driveway causes you to sweat, body heat radiating off of you like mad. Many times he's debated on whether he should remove his heavy winter coat or not. Anything to relieve himself of the heat. At this point, the only part of his body that really is cold is his face.

Finishing up his work, Lithuania drags the heavy shovel to Russia's house, leaning it against the wall. He's about to head inside, when he hears the faint sound of sobbing among the whipping of cold air against his skin. Bewildered, the nation turns around, an eyebrow arched. Just barely, he can make out a hunched over silhouette in the distance, sitting in the snow with its back against the wall. Slowly, he approaches the figure, squinting his eyes and shielding them with his hand as the snow falls heavily upon him.

Coming upon the figure, he freezes, staring at them with wide eyes. Of course. He should have known. Rolling his shoulders back to prepare himself, Lithuania crouches down and glances over at the long, silver strands of hair - the hair belonging to the female nation known as Belarus.

"Belarus," Lithuania speaks up, not receiving a response. Tears stream down her cheeks, her porcelain skin red from the crying, her eyes bloodshot. Tentatively, he lifts a hand to rest on her shoulder. He hates seeing her in these situations. Frankly, however, they're the only ones she'll allow him to speak to her in. "Belarus, can you hear me?"

Almost immediately, Belarus smacks Lithuania's hand off of her without looking at him. Her gaze remains focused on the ground the entire time. As Lithuania reels from the attack, Belarus says, "Of course I can hear you. I knew you'd find me here, anyway. I heard Big Brother order you to shovel his driveway."

She huffs, dragging the navy blue sleeve of her dress across her nose. "Stupid Big Brother..."

Always with her brother, Lithuania thinks with a groan. He loves her with all of his heart. He really does. There isn't anything he wouldn't do for her. He allows her to beat him up just so he can help her through moments like this, and still, she doesn't understand his feelings. Still, she doesn't love him back.

But sometimes, he feels as if it really is worth it in the end.

Belarus sniffs, her frame shuddering from the cold. She wraps her arms around her chest, a futile attempt to warm herself. No wonder she's freezing. She's wearing nothing but a dress and stockings, and her feet are ankle-deep in the snow.

"You're shivering," Lithuania says, an obvious statement, but a statement that catches her attention. Belarus lifts her head slightly, not turning to glance at the Baltic nation once.

"So?" she shrugs, watching as her breath turns into a cloud of precipitation before her. "It does not bother me. It takes my mind off of Russia."

Lithuania's eyes widen. That's the first time he's ever heard Belarus call Russia by his name.

Shaking off the slight shock, the male nation nods at her words, realizing although she may be cold, she isn't going to make an attempt to warm herself. There's no way he's leaving her out here to freeze to death. Sighing, Lithuania grabs the zipper of his coat and pulls it down. Though it may cost the warmth of his own body, just knowing that Belarus will be safe gives him enough will power to give up his own protection.

Hearing the shuffling beside her, Belarus finally turns her head in Lithuania's direction, eyebrows furrowed. When she notices he's removing his coat, gloves, and hat, her eyes grow wide and alert. Her hand moves instinctively to the knife beside her, her fingers brushing the handle. "What are you doing, Lithuania?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2015 ⏰

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