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"Okay class. Let's get down to business. Who here is not a virgin?"

I looked around the class to see everyone's hand up except for mine.

"Well... Uh don't worry your time will come. And for the rest of you I'm sure it was a unpleasant time."

I was deeply embarrassed and I could see Calum looking at me still with a cheeky grin.

"What's your problem?" He seriously is starting to annoy me.

"Nothing , just shocked that you've never done the nasty before."

"Why is that so hard to believe? Shocked that one girl has some self control?"

"No I'm shocked that a girl this beautiful wouldn't have had a couple of hook ups."

"God stop with the compliments-"

"Class your week assignment is getting to know your partner. Hang out with them. Nothing sexual is intended but if it happens please make sure you include that."

I groaned at his request just know I'm going to have to hang out with Calum is a joke.

"Well guess I'm coming over." He says with a wink as he gets up and walks to Ashton.

I sat in my seat just fiddling with my fingers waiting for the bell to ring.

"Man you're so lucky you've got Calum, and that you're a virgin!"

"Um why is that?"

"Calum is so strong and hot. And knowing you're a virgin he will make it the best thing you'll ever experience."

"Calum and I will not be sleeping with each other. I'm just here for the collage credits."

The bell rang and it was time to go home. Calum followed me talking the entire time and I tried so hard to ignore him.

When we entered my house my mom and step father were out for a while and my little sister Lauren was home. Lauren is 13 so she is in that 'I don't give a shit about you guys just me and my crush as of this week' phase. Not all girls go through this but, most do. Calum and I went into my living room. He sat down the sofa and I sat down on the floor.

"Is there a reason you're being so distant and sorta rude to me?" He chirped out.

"I barely know you this is awkward for me. I'm sorta not one to be very social with someone right away."

"Well than come here and we will talk. I'm not gonna talk to the floor like you're a dust bunny." He laughed while saying that. Calum is the type of boy who laughs at his own stupid jokes.

I sat down on the couch, not too close to Calum. But not too far.

"So Winifred-"

"I prefer you calling me Winnie. I hate being called Winifred."

"Oh okay. Winnie tell me about yourself."

"Well I'm Winnie... Duh. I have a little sister named Lauren she's 13 , and a step dad. He's a little weird to me but, um yeah and I enjoy 'The 1975' lots. "

"Wow. Great description about yourself." He was laughing at me when he took his beanie off and scratched his head and moved his hair around.

"Well Mr.Hood if you can do better please be my guest."

"Okay well I'm Calum, I also enjoy ' the 1975 ' I play bass and I have a older sister. My parents are happily married and I like dogs."

"Wow. You are so interesting!" I chuckled.

"Shit!" Calum said as he got up and checked his phone.

I looked at him a bit confused.

"Listen babe I gotta run, late for band practice... Here's my number. Text me tonight. Maybe we can go out soon."

And he left. How bizarre, and he clearly was a boy who got all the girls if he's so confident calling me babe.

Later that night my parents came home.

"Winnie, Lauren? Are you guys home?" My mother shouted as she came into the kitchen seeing us doing our homework.

"Hey mum!" My sister exclaims as she gets up and runs up to greet her.

I shortly get up after her and kiss her cheek and say "hello"

My step father Liam comes in as I pull away from her and pulls me into a hug.
"Hello Winnie" he says grasping me hard with his hand just above my bum.

"Hi Liam."

"Uh that isn't my name to you"

"Sorry, Hi daddy" I say as he lets go of me barely with his hands still on my shoulder running his fingers down on my bra strap looking me in the eyes.

"Good girl, you remembered."

I turned around walking back to the table finishing up my school work.

My mother recently just got with Liam about a year and a half ago. He has always been the perfect father figure for my sister. He was like the basic ' I'll kill any boy who touches you' father, and when she got boyfriends and told us he would always be happy for her but be protective. When it came to me he was the ' I'm your stepfather so you call me 'daddy' and dress sexy around me and I'll call you 'baby girl' and will sexually tease you to make you want me even more.' Well at least in my eyes that's how he was. Liam is a very attractive man. My mother scored! But Liam was very weird and kinky when it came to me. When I got boyfriends he would get jealous and would tease me to 'show me what a real man was like' my last boyfriend which was about 9 months ago, Liam scared away was a really sweet boy. If I was still with him I'd probably not be a virgin anymore. Anyways Liam didn't like the thought of a boy touching me. And one day I got out of the shower and when I went into my room Liam was in there. He got up and closed my door running his finger across my chest moving my towel off of me and squeezing my breast. After that things have been very hostile.


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