A/N Well....Hi!

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So I have not been working on this in over 4 months, and I have good excuses. Or one excuse.


I started my freshman year a few months ago and I have not had any time to write, plus I have not really been inspired, but while I was gone I did get some stars and a few more reads which is nice. So I will continue the story in hopes more people will come and enjoy it. Now my grades are not that great right now and setting times for me to update never really work out so all I can say is that I will update soon.

I would like to add a few facts about the story, Venice's name is pronounced Veni-cia. Don't ask why I spelled it like that I just did. And She is in no way based of me or any other real person.

I also have this whole story planned out, the ENTIRE thing, going from the first book to the last, but if anybody has an idea that you wish to share shoot me a message or comment!

And I welcome creative criticism!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2015 ⏰

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