9. Orders

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Kuroko x Reader

You pinned the last badge to Kuroko's shoulder, smiling tremulously. Brushing away the last few stray hairs away from his face, you tried not to cry.

Who would have expected Kuroko to become a professional soldier? He had always wanted to become a kindergarten teacher.

And now, with his orders to infiltrate enemy camp, you were standing in front of Kuroko, brushing imaginary dust off his pristine uniform, trying to stay even a few seconds longer.

"Here," you said, voice breaking ever so slightly. Handing Kuroko the documents that contained his orders, you leaned forward to give him a peck on the cheek. "Come home soon, Tetsuya."

He smiled gently at you, then turned around and straightened his back. "Ittekimasu, (First Name)-chan."

"Itterashai, Tetsuya."


The doorbell rang. "Coming!"you called, not bothering to set your spatula down as you rushed from the kitchen to the front door.

A head of familiar blue hair met you. The uniform wasn't as clean as it was to years ago, and the badges on the shoulder had increased, but—it was still the same Kuroko Tetsuya.

"Tadaima, (First Name)-chan."

Tears of joy flowed freely down your cheeks. The spatula fell down the front steps, and you threw your arms around the man. Burying your face in Kuroko's shoulder, you breathed in that nostalgic scent, ignoring the blood and sweat accentuating it.

"Okaeri, Tetsuya!"

Takao x Reader (Rebellion AU)

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I've orders not to let you through," the stony faced sentry said.

Glaring hotly at the man, you shouted, "He's my f*cking husband. I'm entitled to get to see him a last time!"

"Now, now," the sergeant said, smirking and walking in. "Your little Kazunari-kun is the leader of the rebellion. You won't be allowed to see him." His malicious smirk deepened. "Besides, you would get to see him a last time, tomorrow at the execution."

Red tinted your vision. How dare he— You launched forward, fist cocked and screaming out your anguish.

A soldier stepped in your way, catching your fist with ease. As you kicked and yelled, more of them came and forcibly threw you out. "I'll f*cking murder you, you goddamn bastard!"


A shawl wrapped around your head, you stood in the crowd watching the execution. You didn't want Takao noticing you, as it would probably worsen his passing.

The crowd shifted around in dissent as the man was led out onto the execution platform in shackles. You clenched your fists, tears running silently down your face, seeing the pained smile on Takao's face. Still smiling until the last moment, huh...

The sergeant from yesterday walked over and shoved the barrel of his gun in to Takao's temple. "Any last words?" He sneered.

Takao raised his face, scanning the crowd before settling his gaze on you. He could always find you, anytime and anywhere. "Hey, (First Name)-chan!" he called, trademark grin still in place. "Don't cry, okay? If you do, I'll come back to haunt you!" The crowd rumbled with quiet laughter that was also a little sad.

Despite his own words, a single tear escaped the confines of Takao's bright gray eyes to trace its way down his dusty cheek. "(First Name)-chan... remember, I'll always be with you! So don't miss me, okay? Just..." his eyes suddenly flashed, and his tone became rushed. "Just promise to finish my work! I will see the kingdom overthrown! Promise me!"

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