18. Conflicting

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Kise x Reader (war AU)

Your horse cantered in place beneath you, whinnying nervously. You tightened your hold on its reins, keeping it in place.

A lieutenant colonel came riding up. He was one your father had sent around only some weeks ago, you noted. Probably not all that used to you yet.

A few paces away, he snapped a sharp salute. "The troops have been assembled according to your instructions and standing ready. Should we ride now, ma'am?"

"Sir," You corrected absently, shading your eyes against the glaring sun, squinting for the sign of your outriders. "It's 'sir.'"

The lieutenant colonel blinked. "Yes, ma-err, sir." He stumbled over the word, obviously not used to the term being applied to a woman. Well, he better grow out of that soon.

You let the officer stew for a little bit more before wheeling your horse around expertly. You nudged it into a trot, turning your head to address the lieutenant colonel behind you. "Rally the troops. We ride."


He stood by his bannerman, the relentless sun glinting off his golden hair and silver armor, looking majestic on his tall, pure white destrier. He was nearly blinding in the sea of nervous, snorting horses of gray and brown, ridden by nervous, jittery soldiers--Kise Ryouta.

You saw him turn, calling encouragement, instantly quieting his troops down. You had to defeat him today. Your troops really couldn't take much more abuse, but the city your father had trusted you hold was placed in a very strategically important place and you couldn't afford to lose it. It didn't matter that your opponent was led by one of the genius generals they call the Miracles.

You felt a ripple pass through the men behind you as they registered the fact that the enemy had just walked into their trap. So much for the Miracles, huh? You could feel them think that. But--you had a feeling that they weren't quite right. Kise Ryouta understood that he had just placed his troops in a strategically bad position-he just had complete confidence that he could win. Doubts twisted your insides with a dagger.

You took a deep breath, trying to dispel your unease. After all, even if you weren't a Miracle, you were still one of the only female generals in the country, and that was testament enough to your skill. You motioned to your bannerman.

Your banner was hoisted into the air, just enough to signal your troops. The army poured into the valley; the bloodbath began.

You leant low on you saddle, biting your lip at the scream of dying men and dying horses all around you as your chestnut mare soared through the air, leaping the obstacle of the enemy infantry. You heard the sickening crunch of bones when she landed. You ignored the spray of red coming from beneath the horse's hooves, trusting her to take you through the fray, to where you wanted. You had long outpaced your honor guard, but you didn't care. There was one surefire way to end this butchery, and you had to try it.

You whipped your spear out, digging your knees into the side of your horse. That head of gold, so obvious, so close... You gritted your teeth and bulled through the last people around Kise. As usual, he too had lost his honor guard, too intent on maneuvering the situation.

He turned at the last moment, eyes wide. Skillfully, he twisted around, diverting the point of your spear away from him with his arm guard. It missed his horse by a bare centimeter.

Fluidly, Kise drew his longsword. You could tell what he was going to do, and it wasn't going to be fun if he hit.

Baring your teeth in a grimace of effort, you forcibly brought your spear around, catching the middle of the shaft with your free hand. You caught the heavy slash overhead with the spearshaft in a two handed grip , barely in time.

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