2- Judgment Among Friends

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Dedicated to Rachelowl13 for making the banner! Thank you so much!!

In high school, there is judgement being passed around like a New Strain of marijuana to a bunch of pot heads. If you didn't understand that analogy, here it is in simple words. High school wouldn't exist without others being judgmental. There is no way it can happen. Especially since it's a human instinct. Sad, but true.

You can say you don't judge others, because that's "not your place" and "you don't know what they have been through". While that is true, I myself have said that on countless occasions, a little voice inside your head automatically has an opinion of someone by the way they look.

Or maybe you're the one for attention, and you voice your judgments to others, hoping that they will agree. And there will always be someone there to be on your side. That's why there can't be world peace. Just kidding! But seriously, you've judged, I have judged, the world does it. Whether you act on it or not is up to you. To put something in motion; theoretically.

But kids in high school seem to think that it's okay to voice most of their opinions on others. Which really isn't the smartest idea. Then again.... we are just high school kids. Not the brightest in the world. From ages 15-18, we will make either the best decisions or the worst. That's where you are judged by the most. Your actions and words.

When we hit age 16 or maybe it's 17 for most in other states (that's how it is in Utah at least), we become independent. Or very dependent. Know the difference? If you don't, you probably didn't pay attention in school, or you are currently not paying attention in your English class now. But I'm pretty sure most would understand, considering that this is a writing and publishing site.

Back on track. If you become "independent", then you'll have kids saying that you wouldn't be able to handle it. Or, you'd have you're friends back you up and say that you could be on your own and just fine. When you become dependent (there is no if; it's happened to us all once I'm sure), people will *SURPRISE* judge you. They will say you can't take care of yourself now, so that's why you have to lean on your friends for support. And your friends will again be there to back you up and justify the matter. Especially the kids smoking Pot. No judgement. But it's true (my best friends are the stoners of the school).

For me personally, I have been stabbed in the back multiple times. And I've felt like a bitch the way I react to the rumors and some of the judgmental comments I hear from others. Do the smart thing, don't be like me. Just blow off what they have to say to/about you. If it's not true, then just laugh at them. Honestly, some of the rumors that were made up of me... I just kinda sit there and listen to what they have to say about me. Usually I'm like, "I didn't know I kissed Victor... Who is he again?" (TRUE STORY)

But really, the things that go around are crazy! If you've been ridiculed, you know what this is like. You have been judged before the person even knows you. When I see a girl wearing a shit ton of makeup, my first thought is: desperate. Which is a bitchy thing of me, but it's my natural instinct. And it's yours as well. If you say it isn't, then you are in denial my love.

Then I realized, I wore a skirt that wasn't even too short (went pass my fingertips with an extra inch or two) and was form fitting. Well, I went into the girls bathroom to fix my hair, and the look these two girls gave me... I was honestly pissed off. It's just their judgmental looks that really get to me. Anyway, they walked out of the bathroom and started whispering about the way I looked. How do I know? The door didn't even close all the damn way.

I decided to not care what they had to say about me and continued to fix my hair. When I walked out, I saw a girl that belonged to my church, (I suppose we are friends, even though I'm not into religion that much) whispering all together. The two chicks turned around and smirked at me and then said that they would talk to my church friend later. So, I did what any other self conscious teenage girl would do. I ran to her and asked what they said about me.

She flat out said that they were telling her how they found a new whore. (TRUE STORY) Thing is, I'm a virgin. Damn happy about that too. the worst I've done is make out with a guy that I was currently with at the time. I haven't cheated and I have never sent a dirty pic. So... why am I considered a whore? Because of a damn piece of clothing? Awesome.

But the very next period (after lunch) one of my good friends comes up to me and says that the girl in my church was telling other girls that I looked and acted like a whore for attention. When this shit first started happening... it was shit! to say none the less. Now I don't care what any of them have to say. Mainly because my parents pulled me out of high school. But that's a whole other story completely.

I'm just trying to relate to the kids going through stages or have been stereotyped. If you're one of those kids, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. IT HAPPENS TO ALL OF US! I PROMISE!

I suppose this section is long enough and I've spoken my mind on this part for now. Even though there are at least 10+ more stories of where rumors have messed up my reputation and messed up my home life. But, again, that's another story and for another time. Maybe not another time at all.. That is my choice and I hope you can respect that.

If you have randomly stumbled upon this, leave a comment so I know if i should keep on going with this or not! :P Thanks!

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