3- It's NOT Forever

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So recently for me, things have been seeming pretty permanent. Why? I have no idea. It's just the way my mind is sorta set. But I'm sure that's how must teenagers think also. That nothing can hurt us, that we're unstoppable, and that we can do anything that we want. 

Obviously we can't. But we're always told we can. Lost yet? I was too until I thought this all out. Growing up, we're told we can be anything we want if we really work for it. Of course, when being younger, we automatically think: "I'm going to be president!" or "I'm gonna be a supermodel!" and "I'm want to be a fireman!"

Parents say, "If you try hard enough, and put in the work, you can be whatever you want." 

While that is true, they don't into accordance that you can't really say the same thing when they grow up. Because most teens either want to be the next Johnny Depp or Jeniffer Lopez. Maybe they want to be the next Gerard Way. Or possibly a drug dealer. 

It's up to them, honestly. But before any of this happens, the parents usually envision what their little "bundle of joy" will grow up to be. They don't really tend to dwell on the fact that they will grow up to be little shits. AKA, a teen. I don't care how well disciplined your kid is, there is always a little rebel inside of us.

With that aside, it just isn't very enthralling for us (as teens) to be told that we can't be what we want. Unless you're a good clean kid who wants a simple life, this doens't really apply to you. But even then, being defiant has a feel of power and freedom. Until we get caught, that is. Trust me; it sucks being caught. And if you don't want to be caught with anything, you probably shouldn't be doing it anyway.

Anyway, back on to the original topic. Let's say you did get caught with something you know you're not supposed to be doing. Obviously there will be a punishment set in place. This really depends on your parents and what their rules are and how they usually deal with your punishment. I honestly shudder inside every time I type that word. Punishment. 

Ick. But that's because I'm a little shit and get myself in trouble every once in a while. Do I deserve that punishment? Absolutely. I will be humble in saying that if I had never been punished, I would be the biggest screw up in my whole family. And that's saying something. So when I do get punished, it feels like my life is over and that nothing will ever be right again.

Also, even though the sun might be shining outside, I can feel the storm clouds raging inside my heart and mind. But, of course, within time I regain my freedom and everything seems better than ever. Until I screw up again. Point is, I always need to keep reminding myself that nothing is forever. While that is also empowering, it also sucks.

For example: 

Good: School will not last forever.

Bad: I won't see the majority of my friends when school is done.

Good: punishments always have a limit.

Bad: Good times always have a limit.

When I first thought of that last one, I was really upset with myself. I know that it sounds pretty crazy; but that's how I am. I always told people that good things don't always have to come to an end. No matter what you do, no matter how good things in your life are going, it will end. Something wrong will happen and your life will seem over and you're going to be permanently stuck in the hell that was created. 

No matter what it is, it can always be resolved. If someone you loved died, you're probably thinking "How the hell can you resolve that?" fact is, you have to accept it. Accept all of the bad things that have happened, and accept that you can't change it. I know that sounds really crappy, but once you do that everything opens up to you. No, that doesn't mean you have to be okay with the fact that they're gone; or that something wrong is happening. Just accepting the fact can make you seem like the stronger person. Because then you won't let the situation rule over your life. 

Do you get what I'm saying? I hope so. But like the title of this chapter says, "IT'S NOT FOREVER!" and that's okay! I guess i've ranted enough this time! Thanks for anyone who has read this! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2013 ⏰

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