Chapter three spencer

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Why was it that I was telling Daryl all about my past, I was going against my biggest rule (trust no one, love no one, protect no one and you survive" but for some reason or another I continued to tell this guy I just met my entire life story "my world went to shit way before the apocalypse, because when my mom was murder my dad started drinking he'd drink and he'd drink until he got way past being drunk. Then when he was drunk he'd get angry and horny. He'd do things that he wouldn't remember doing the next morning. He would beat me and touch me quit inappropriately, I tried getting away so many times but each time he'd find me and each time the consequence for running from him would be worse then the last. When the world turned to shit I had managed to get away from him.
I've been on the run ever since because if there's one thing I know about my father it's that nothing can kill him but him, so to conclude I know he's still out there somewhere...
And I know for sure he's looking for me and that he isn't going to stop until he finds me.
The worst part about my situation is that no matter what he always finds me." I finished. Looking up into Daryl's sky blue eyes.
"So my question is if ya think he's still after ya yer not staying here are ya?" Daryl asked calmly. "No I can't stay any where very long and me staying puts you guys in danger last time I almost had a run in with my dad he had a group of men and two women held hostage, I can't put your group or you in danger." I turned away. "When are you leaving" he asked softly making me turn toward him. "I don't know" I lied truth was I knew exactly when I was leaving, I'd leave when everyone was asleep so no one could stop me.
This group had women and children I wasn't about to allow my father the pleasure of not only finding me but finding Lori, carol, Andrea, or little Sophia, he'd torture them the way he'd tortured me so long ago. The pain I've went through I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. I know if he found the group he'd let his men do terrible things to the women and let the men of the group watch as their loved ones were tortured and violated in the worst ways and then once he got bored of watching the men's pain for their loved ones he'd slaughter them all but keep the women and children to wash the cloths and cook the food. I couldn't allow that to happen I wouldn't allow that to happen.
In the distance you could here carol calling Daryl and me to dinner. I walked off toward the camp it would be bed time after dinner then once I knew for sure everyone one was asleep I'd slip away and be nothing but a memory to these people.
I would leave and no one would miss me except maybe Daryl but he'd get over it he'd have to get over it. Because it's very unlikely that once I'll leave he'll ever see me again. He'll forget me after a few weeks, then he'll run into some beautiful girl and fall in love with her and then make her a Dixon. They'd have a beautiful baby girl and he'd forget all about me. I chuckled to myself because I couldn't help but think of what a great dad that he would make. There's one thing I know for sure though Daryl Dixon will forget me I will never forget him because some how and some way the course, strong, life saving, crossbow wielding red neck had stolen my heart, and I kind of sort of knew I'd fallen in love.

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