Chapter four spencer

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Hours latter I sneak out of the tent I'm sharing with the kids and gather my things. Taking out my journal I began to write.
Dear Daryl,
I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye, and thank you for saving my life.
Im leaving while you are asleep because I know that you'd try to stop me, and you'd probably succeed.
And I can't let that happen. If he finds me he'll do unimaginably cruel things to you all and I can't let that happen what happened to me was terrible and I could never forgive myself if I caused anyone else to have to feel that kind of pain.
You keep everyone safe Daryl Dixon you keep everyone safe like you kept me safe. I'll be alright I promise. And when you get angry just remember to hit something that's not human. Could you do that for me, please.
Tell Carl and Sophia that I'm sorry I have to leave them and that I'll miss them with all my heart, and that I'll think of them every day. And that when they look at the stars I be looking to. When I leave it's not likely that you'll ever see me again so I'm saying it now don't miss me I'm nothing worth missing, you'll find someone special who doesn't have the issues I've got you'll make her a Dixon and have a beautiful baby girl, you'll forget me and I'm okay with that. Daryl it's ok to forget. I know I haven't known you long but I think I'm kind of in love with you. The anger problems, the cross bow and everything else. I'm in love with it all. It's alright if you don't feel the same I mean I haven't even known you for a whole day. I keep hoping that even though I'm telling you to forget that you'll remember anyways. When you realize I'm gone don't come after me don't try and find me because you won't. And just try and be happy. I believe in you you'll be the last one standing I just know it. Before meeting you I thought that there were no good people left in the world but I was wrong, good people do still exist, I know because I met a whole boat load of good, honest people today. And I'm sorry I really am. But this is what's best. Take care of them Daryl take care of them for me. If choose to remember me just know that I'm out there somewhere missing you.
Love you Daryl Dixon that why I'm leaving.
Remember let me go, keep them safe, and it's okay to forget.
Love for always no matter the distance,
The entire time I was writing my letter I was crying quietly to myself. A few tears fell to the paper smudging the writing in a few places but it was all still readable so I folded it, then took off my dog tags and rapped the chain around the note after putting Daryl's name on the outside I snuck into his tent and put it under a string of his cross bow where I knew for sure he'd find it. Then with one last look at his sleeping form I left, not letting myself turn back around.
When I got the edge of came I turned and whispered "Good bye Daryl Dixon" and though I tried to hold it in the broken sob escaped my lips and the tears began to fall.
Once again I turned to go but a quiet voice behind me stopped me in my tracks.
"Why?" It whispered I turned slowly it was Rick. "I have to Daryl knows why"
"What about Carl?" He whispered. "Daryl he'll go mad"
I sighed "I have to leave Rick hell understand once he reads my note" I whispered more to myself then to him.
"Good bye Rick I'd suggest that you didn't mention that you saw me leave or that you let me leave Daryl would be furious with you" I hugged him and turned to go. "Spencer" Rick called to me softly "he loves you as much as you love him I see it in the way he looks at you, he looks at you the way I looked at Lori."
"Your wrong Rick please don't say that I can't stay." Then I turned around and made into the woods.

Love, Hate, and Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now