Chapter 9

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remember that ily all :)

"Mitch, Lachlan. Did you see the huge thing on Twitter, like, I dunno, a few hours ago?"

Typical Preston. He was always up-to-date with things that happened. Lachlan opened his mouth to reply no, but was stopped short by Mitch. "Yeah, I heard about that! I really don't think that one guy should've taken it so seriously, though. It could've been a joke."

Preston was taken aback by Mitch's response. "Who cares if it was a joke or not? The first guy obviously hurt the other's feelings. How would you feel if you were gay or bisexual or something and then one of your friends just randomly announced it to the world?"

To be honest, Lachlan couldn't care less about these types of issues. Something big would always happen, Mitch and Preston would argue, it would die down. Simple as that. He sighed.

"But listen! This could all be just a prank staged for attention. And if that's what they wanted, they did a good job of getting it. Do I have a point, Lachlan?"

He nodded distractedly, only really half listening. He was trying to find the tweets to see for himself what really went down.

After a few more minutes of listening to them bicker, he had just about had it.
"I'm sick of hearing the two of you fight! Why do you guys care about this even? Just let it go or something... I dunno," he trailed off halfway through.

Both Mitch and Preston were stunned silent.

"And could one of you give me a link to those tweets... I can't seem to find them." Lachlan added sheepishly. 

It was Preston who finally spoke, saying, "Yeah, sure, dude. Here you go," and sent it in the Skype chat.

Clicking on the first link that popped up, what he was greeted with almost made his heart stop. Not because of anything to do with the most obvious thing, though.

Was it a coincidence? It has to be. There's no way.

How did I end up staring at his name AGAIN?

"Well?" Mitch tapped his foot impatiently.

Lachlan swallowed, his throat dry. "I think we should just let this go. We obviously have no idea what's going on in either of their lives. What difference does it make to us?"

"Okay, I guess you're right," Preston allowed.

Mitch shrugged. "Whatever. And if you'll excuse me, I have some Hunger Games to record. See ya." And with that, he left the call.

Soon after, Preston ended the call, looking like he didn't want to bail on Lachlan but had no choice. That left just him, staring at his computer screen and reading the same words over and over again.

And despite having just told Mitch and Preston to stay out of the situation, and ignore it, he did the exact opposite.

Went on Vikk's Twitter page and clicked Follow.

(this was more of a filler chapter shush okay im sorry)

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