Chapter 7

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*8th grade*

It was a Saturday afternoon, and I was sitting on my bed, on my phone of course, listening to music and looking through my Instagram newsfeed.

Vincent and I haven't talked in months because I had found out that he cheated on me with a girl named Amanda. I announced to his face in the school hallways that I hated Vincent, and I never wanted to see his face again. I went home very proud of myself on the last day of 7th grade year because of that.

It was November of 8th grade year now, and I'm still single. Avery and Brice still have been together and never separated. I'm really happy for them, they are a cute couple.

A lot of people from school played sports and did a lot of activities, but I couldn't play sports or do any of that, for fear that I might shift in the middle of things. I can control when I shift, but it's harder to control when you're in the heat of things like sports. I couldn't trust myself.

I stand up and walk into the living room, where Mother and Randy sat, watching T.V. I stand right in front of the T.V., not caring about the fact that my parents were watching their show.

"I want to play a sport. I want to stay fit," I say. Mother sighs, purses her lips, looks at Randy, and pauses her show. She is obviously tired of this conversation that we have at least once a week.

"Honey, there isn't a sport that won't make you shift that would be enjoyable for you," she says, sadly. "You could run miles to stay in shape, or run around in the woods as a wolf," she suggests. I sigh.

"I guess I'll go out into the woods then. I've got nothing better to do," I say and begin walking towards the front door.

"Keep your phone on you, and be safe," Randy says.

"I will," I say back.

There was a huge forest that was very close by our house. When I was younger, I would play around in the woods and meet a lot of different animals. I smile to myself as I remember that the animals were really my only friends, before I went to school.

I trudge through the leaves of the forest trees until I reach this small clearing with a tree knocked over, much like a seat almost. I walk over to the dead tree, and strip off my clothes. I wouldn't want to get them all messed up recklessly running around as a wolf, because Mother and Randy don't have much money to replace my clothes.

Once I take off all of my clothes, I place them on the tree. I decide to hide my phone in my underwear, so if someone tries to steal it, they wouldn't want to look there. I do know that hiding them in my underwear doesn't help much at all, but it made me feel like my phone was safer, even though it wasn't safe at all.

I turn to face the deep woods, and get down on all fours to shift into my beautiful wolf form. Once I shift, I shake my fur and look down the side of my body.

The top layer of my fur, by my scruff and on my head, was a dark hazelnut brown. My mid body was a tan color, like sand. My paws were the same dark brown as my head, and so was the tip of my tail. My chest, my belly, and a part of my muzzle was all white. To top off the beautiful coloring, my fur had a silky look and feel to it. I found myself a very good looking wolf.

I stretch my limbs, getting used to the familiar feel of being a canine, and I shoot off into the woods. I run at my fastest speed, not feeling tired at all. I felt alive, rejuvenated, and happy. I loved being a wolf.

It always upset me that there wasn't anyone else like me. I couldn't even tell others about my real self. It was a secret that nobody could know, for my sake of trying to live a normal human life. But I wasn't human. I was something else, something different.


I was something. I couldn't pin down what I was exactly, and deep down that upset me. It hurt me that I don't even know what it is that I am.

I begin to slow down to look at my surroundings. Trees everywhere of course, nothing much different. I slowly look around and shift back into a human. I was quite cold since it was the middle of November, and I was bare naked.

I ignore the fact that it was so cold, and I look at the colors of the trees. These woods were always so beautiful in the fall. The colorful leaves were so many different and bright colors; it was a gorgeous sight for me.

I heard something approaching, and I freeze. It couldn't have been a deer, deer didn't stomp like that. Definitely not a rabbit. A crocodile? No, what am I thinking? There aren't any crocodiles in this area.

I see a human push his way through some bushes, clothed, and he was staring right at me, my body, Smirking.

"Now, I came out here to take in the scenery, and I come across a little girl, conveniently unclothed," he said. His voice scared me. I quietly growl and try to cover myself up. "How come you're out here by yourself naked, young lady?" he asked.

"Go away," I say, trying to sound intimidating. I partially use my deep wolf voice, but I was too scared to sound intimidating. I can't shift and run away now, he's already seen me. He could tell other people about what I am. What am I supposed to do?

"No, I think I'll stay right here," he said marching really quickly in my direction. I try to back away, but he was too quick. He locks me in his arms and stares at my body. My innocent body. Why did I have to take off my clothes today?! I feel myself start to choke up.

"Please don't do anything to me," I plead. He only chuckles, and then forcefully pins me down on the ground. I try to struggle out of his hold, but he's too strong. He starts to unzip his pants, and I see as he fumbles around in his pants for a bit.

What am I supposed to do?!

Without thinking, I quickly shift into my wolf, push him off of me, and bite into his shoulder. Hard. I don't let go until I feel hot blood spill into my mouth like a waterfall. I hear him shout in pain, and I let go just to close my jaws around his neck.

Once he stops moving, I shakily stand up to look at the man's dead body. Blood was spilling out of his neck and his shoulder uncontrollably. I quickly and carefully check my surroundings to make sure nobody had seen what had happened, and I ran off back in the direction I came.

. . .

I run into my house, in human form and clothed of course, sobbing. Tears would not stop running out of my eyes since the second I walked out of those woods.

I ran to mother, still watching T.V., and sob into her shoulder.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" she asks worriedly. She looks down at my face and her eyes widen. "You've got blood on your face! Calla, tell me what happened!" she ordered.

"Th-this guy... tried to rape me... and I killed him Mother..! I killed him!" I say between sobs. She stroked my head, and she shushed me.

"It's going to be okay, sweetheart. It only looks like a dog wound, so they won't find you, right?" she asks. I nod. "Let's go get you cleaned up. There's blood on your mouth," she says.

I force a laugh at the fact that I got some blood on my face from brutally killing that guy, and try to control my sobbing as Mother leads me into the bathroom.

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