Chapter 35

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Sarah's POV)

" It's time." Liam announced, walking into the living room.

I nodded, and began shaking Jane and Miley to wake up. I had been the only one to stay up all night, in case Jane woke up or didn't fall asleep. Louis, Niall, and Zayn helped me get the up and ready to the car. I told Zayn to let me get Jane, and make sure that Harry was far away from as possible. Once I got her up, we all got into the car Paul pulled up in, and luckily Harry was in the front while Jane, Louis and I were in the back.

It took two hours to get to the jet, which gave me enough time to sleep on Louis's lap. When we pulled up to the front of the jet, Louis gently woke me up and helped with the bags.

" Can you sit with me on the jet? I don't want to get stuck with Harry." Jane whispered as we slowly got onto the jet.

I was originally suppose to sit with Louis and Zayn, but before I could say anything, Louis nodded.

" Of course. I will take your spot next to him, and you can sit with Zayn and Sarah." He said, putting our bags in the holders above the seats.

Jane smiled and thanked him before sitting down at the window seat. I turned to Louis and gave him a peck on the cheek.

" That was very sweet of you, thank you." I said, sitting back into my seat next to Jane.

Louis smiled, than walked to his seat next to Harry, who was passed out in his seat from the alcohol. I pulled out a blanket I brought with me and laid it down on both me and Jane, then pulled out my laptop and played the movie Mean Girls. Jane smiled at me, then laid her head on my shoulder, while I laid my head on top of hers. It didn't take too long before I fell asleep.

( 6 Hours Later)

I felt myself being shook gently, causing me to open my eyes.

" We're finally here in New York." Zayn said excitedly.

I nodded, still sleepy from the lack of sleep I got. Once the jet landed, I woke Jane up and we all got off the jet, welcomed by the chilly air of New York, and screams of fans. Jane and I put our hoods up so the fans wouldn't see our bedheads, and take pictures. We made it safely to the van, and began driving to the Hotel we would be staying at.

Jane's POV)

" How long till we get to the hotel, Paul?" Louis asked, as we drove away from the airport.

" About an hour drive, than we might have to wait half an hour to check in because the hotel we are staying at is very fancy, and very big so there are a lot of people there." Paul explained, causing me to groan.

I laid my head on Sarah's lap and looked up at her.

" I just want to be in a bed and sleep." I whined, causing her to smile and play with my hair.

" Same here. Maybe we can get a room together. Hey Paul? When we get there, can you make sure Miley, Jane and I are all in the same room? Just us girls can share a room." Sarah asked.

" I thought Jane and I were sharing a room with Louis and you." A husky voice spoke from the back seat, making me tense up.

Sarah turned to face Harry and glared at him.

" Well you're not, especially after what you did so shut your mouth because none of us want to hear another word from you, the rest of the ride." Sarah snapped, making everyone get really quiet.

Harry didn't say another word, just like she told him, for the rest of the ride. I smiled at Sarah and mouthed 'Thank You' to her. She nodded and we tried to close our eyes for the ride. Suddenly, Paul's phone rang. He said a few short words, then hung up and turned to an exit we were not suppose to take.

" Change of plans. Jim and Simon decided to get you guys your own tour bus, so everyone will be in the same place." Paul said, making my eyes go wide.

Fantastic. Stuck in a big bus with Mr. Cheater himself.

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