Chapter Two

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The following week flew by rather uneventfully. Alice and Bella grew steadily closer and their original plan to just hang out the coming weekend turned into a plan for a sleepover. Bella still had a hundred questions about Alice and her family but she didn't want to bombard the sweet girl with them. Alice by now, pretty much knew all there was to know about Bella. "I'm not that interesting" is what she had told Alice when the later had asked her to tell a bit about herself.

Friday night came and went and before Bella knew it, she was packing her overnight bag for a night at the Cullen's. Alice had said that Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett and Edward had gone camping for the weekend so it would just be Alice and her parents for Bella to be around. Bella had divulged to Alice that she wasn't very fond of two of her siblings and she understood. "Edward and Rosalie are just very picky about who they want to be associated with." Is what Alice had told her.

As Bella was packing her bag, her cell on her nightstand vibrated. It was a text from Alice.


I'm leaving my house now to pick you up. 

Bella typed back a quick response, letting the other woman know that she was almost done packing. Bella began talking about Alice more and more when she talked to Charlie about her day and Charlie just smiled as she spoke, he noticed that his daughter was developing a crush, even if she didn't know yet. Bella had come out at the age of fourteen as bisexual and Charlie had been nothing but supportive of his daughter, much to her appreciation. To both of their surprise, Renee was just as supportive of her daughter.

Only a few more minutes and Bella was done packing and headed downstairs after grabbing her phone. Charlie was out at work so Bella waited alone on the couch, playing on her phone for the next fifteen minutes until Alice arrived. A small knock in a rhythm of three came and Bella hopped off the couch, with her bag slung over her shoulder to open the door. Alice smiled at her when she saw Bella.

"Ready?" Alice asked brightly and when Bella nodded, Alice skipped over to her jeep and held the door open for Bella. After locking up the house, Bella slid into the passenger seat, smiling and rolling her eyes at how old fashioned Alice seemed to be...sometimes Bella swore she was from another time.

The first ten minutes of the drive consisted of Bella and Alice arguing over the radio; Alice wanted to listen to an upbeat pop station and Bella wanted to listen to classic rock. Eventually Alice caved and let the younger woman put on her classic rock station, on the condition that Bella watch any movie of Alice's choice later that night. Bella agreed, thinking that Alice wouldn't have to bad of a taste in movies.

"So what's first on the sleep over agenda?" Bella asked, after knowing Alice for about a week, Bella learned that Alice was pretty girly and that she was a very organized person; the type of person that would have a set plan for everything. Bella looked over at her friend with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know, I figured we'd just wing it." Alice glanced over at Bella and smiled at the surprised expression on her face.

"Wow. I did not expect you to not have planned every minute of this sleep over out. I mean, I know how much you love to plan things out." Not that there was anything wrong with having a plan, Bella just had never met anyone so organized in her life. Or she was so new to it because she was literally the most unorganized person ever. Alice rolled her eyes and turned right onto a long gravel road that Bella soon discovered was actually Alice's drive way.

"Woe." Bella said under her breath as Alice pulled in front of her enormous home. The house was just as gorgeous as it was big, consisting of mainly glass windows and modern build. Alice chuckled and got out of the car, opening Bella's door for her before Bella even had her hand on the door handle –as she was too busy gawking at the house. "You live here?" Bella asked as she stepped out of the car. Alice nodded and closed the door.

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