Chapter Five

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A/N: Alright guys, chapter five is here!

"Bella, are you busy? I have something to tell you."


"Um, no I'm not. What is it, Alice?" Bella could hear the uneasy lilt in Alice's usually happy voice.

"Can we talk in person? This isn't really something I can say over the phone." Alice knew that once confessed the truth, Bella would think she was joking. She had to show her.

"Yeah of course, do you want me to meet you or are you coming to get me?" Bella responded, curious as to what had her friend so uneasy.

"I'll come get you. I'll see you soon Bella." Alice hung up the phone before Bella could respond, and Bella looked at her phone curiously before getting her shoes on and heading downstairs. Charlie wasn't home today, it was the middle of the day on a Saturday so he would be working late tonight. Bella scrawled a quick note to charlie and left it on the counter incase she wasn't home when he got home.

Alice couldn't back out now, she had told Bella she would pick her up so now she only had the 20-minute drive to Bella's to come up with a way to tell the girl the truth.

Alice was just seconds away from Bella's house and had finally come up with something to say, a way that wouldn't be sure to send the girl running. Alice looked behind Bella's house and into the trees as she pulled into the driveway and saw the break in the clouds. As long as the sun stayed out this would work. Alice got out of her car, stumbling slightly, which for those of her kind it was quite unusual, grace and elegance was their thing.

Alice walked up to Bella's door and knocked if she were human she would probably be sweating profusely due to her nerves. When Bella opened the door Alice calmed slightly, she was still nervous about how the gorgeous girl in front of her would react, but seeing those wondrous chocolate eyes helped her relax.

"Hey Alice, what's up?" Bella could see the effect whatever had Alice upset was having on her, and gently brushed her fingers along Alice's sleeve

"Will you take a walk with me?" Alice asked with a smile, ignoring the other girls' question - which did not go unnoticed by Bella. Bella nodded and the two headed into the woods by Bella's house, walking the familiar path. Occasionally the two would go for walks and talk about hard topics, like Bella leaving her mother and Alice would tell her stories about her birth family, though Alice's stories were slightly altered.

About halfway to the clearing where Alice would reveal herself, she stopped and turned to face Bella.

"I have something very important about myself, that I have to tell you, but there are some things I have to show you first," Alice said, looking into Bella's eyes. Bella nodded as if signaling for the other girl to continue. Alice smiled slightly.

"Bella, do you trust me?" She asked.

"Of course," Bella answered honestly, raising her brow in question.

"Alright." In one swift movement, Alice had scooped Bella into her arms bridal-style. Bella gasped at Alice's strength and had started to ask Alice what she was doing before Alice took off at full speed until she reached the edge of the clearing that the sun was shining on. Bella hadn't had time to make sense of what at just happened because seconds ago she was on her own feet, halfway to where she now stood. When Alice placed Bella on her feet, Bella couldn't formulate words because she was too occupied with trying to figure out how Alice moved so fast. When Alice spoke Bella looked up.

"I realize that you are a little shell-shocked right now but there is something else..." Alice trailed off as she watched Bella closely, making sure she knew Bella was listening. Bella nodded slightly and Alice took that as a cue to go forward. Alice watched Bella as she slowly took off her shirt, leaving herself in only a small black and purple bra. Alice dropped the shirt to the ground and watched with some amusement as Bella's eyes darted back and forth between Alice's chest and her eyes.

When Alice took of her shirt and revealed her flawless skin, Bella's mouth went dry and she didn't care about how fast they had got up that hill or how strong Alice was, all that was on her mind now was how much she longed to run her hands along Alice's toned stomach and kiss her all over.

"Alice I don't-" Bella had hurriedly tried to speak before Alice cut her off.

"Just look Bella." Alice slowly backed into the rays of sunlight in the field and when she felt the warmth of the sun and saw Bella's eyes widen and her mouth drop open, she knew that Bella could see how Alice's skin shimmered in the sun, and she waited to see what Bella would do next.

Bella was still kind of stuck on the fact that Alice was half naked in front of her when she realized that Alice's skin was actually shimmering in the sunlight like she had just jumped into a bucket of glitter. Bella was confused, to say the least, and also, slightly terrified.

"Alice..what?" Bella formed as much of a question as she could while her mind was whirling with possibilities.

"Okay, but before I tell you I need you to promise me that you won't run and that you will hear me out, okay?" Alice asked, her voice pleading. Bella nodded

"Bella I need you to say it, please."

"I promise." Alice nodded.

"I am a vampire. I will live forever, and I survive by consuming the blood of other living creatures." Alice bit her lip nervously and watched several emotions cross Bella's face.

Bella's first instinct was to not believe any of what had just come out of Alice's mouth, and then she thought about everything that had happened up until this moment. Alice was always cold, no matter when or where they touched, she was always as cold as ice. She was also insanely strong, and fast, and sometimes spoke like she was from another time. When thinking of things that way, it made sense, but vampires don't exist...or do they?

"Are you the only one or..." Bella trailed off, and Alice shook her head.

"My entire family, and aside from us there are a few million more." Alice waited patiently in the sun, still exposed. She didn't want to move, for a fear of scaring Bella.

"And you... you kill people?" Bella asked quietly. Alice was expecting the question but she wasn't expecting the fear that shook each word.

"No, my family and I are different from others. Edward likes the call us the 'vegetarian vampires' because we only get our blood from animals. We don't kill humans and nor do we want to." Alice could see Bella's tense shoulders sag in a bit of relief. "Even though we don't kill humans, we still keep to ourselves as much as we can. You see, where you have the president who is your leader, we have the Volturi."

"The Volturi?" Bella asked, finally looking in Alice's eyes now because Alice's voice quaked with fear at the mention of it.

"The Volturi are some of the oldest and most powerful Vampires and they make the rules that all vampires must adhere to, one of the most important rules being that we never reveal ourselves to your kind." Alice still had no idea how she would deal with the Volturi, should they get word of her situation.

"Then why would you tell me if it's the number one rule?" Bella asked

"Because I care about you, so much that I can't continue to hide it from you." Alice had almost told Bella that she loved her, but if telling her she was a vampire didn't send her running, confessing her love would.

Bella was confused and also elated because Alice cared about her enough to break her world's biggest law. Bella smiled slightly at the vampire and headed towards her with the girl's shirt in hand, no longer fearing her.

"I care about you too Alice, but I do need some time to digest all of this." Bella handed Alice her shirt and Alice quickly put it back on.

"I understand. Do you want me to walk you back?" Alice asked and when Bella shook her head no, Alice's heart sank and she nodded simply before taking off into the direction of her car.

Alice was gone, long before Bella reached her house and though she was sad that her friend was gone, she was glad she was giving her the space she needed. All of this was a lot to take in in just one afternoon.   

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