Talk about seeing double

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"Rose! Rose! Wake up!" I was being shaken, i gasped sitting up. what the hell?! I looked around.... no one? I groaned rubbing my neck which was stiff. I smelled fire an paniced, i jumped to my feet. i looked around i was in meadow of some sorts.... an there was a ship... the ship!! I screamed running toward it, i looked up there... was another ship? I heard a wush and i whipped around. dad! I let a breath if relief out. "dad! Thank goodness i thought you died!" I went to hug him but he back up, looking confused. "Have you hit your head mortal? I have no children..." i went wide eyed we looked at each other like we were crazy. Ironman landed next to him an soon the others arrived, i ran up to tony. "tony whats wrong with my dad? He is saying he has no daughter... " i turned to my dad, "if this is a joke it is sick!" Everyone was looking at me like i was insane. i was confused, an frankly hurt. " who is this chick?" Tony asked leaning away from me. black widow giggles which was...odd to say the least. "funny... she looks like his daughter..." i backed up an away from them, "whats going on..." "i think she hit her head or something." my father said it concerned. ironman pointed his lite up hand at me, "or she is an enemy trying to trick us." I narrowed my eyes. "say... maybe you aren't my friends an father..." I grabbed my staff turning it into my heavy sharp sword. my dads eyes widened, "that is-" tony fired at me, i was ready to block when suddenly there was something in front of me. It dad? I went wide eyed... glancing back an forth from the two. "rose!!" I turned around everyone ran to me from the forest. even black widow i was hugged an kisses my tony. "oh thank god, we got so scared!" I let a breath out an looked at my dad, "daddy!" I hugged him an he hugged me rubbing my head. "you have been threw worst, but still you worried me daughter." I heard a gasp an we turned to the copy of everyone the only ones missing was me and hawkeye. Tony2 came out from his armor, he pointed at us. "is everyone else seeing this?!" I couldn't help but laugh, his face was priceless. Everyone was looking confused, "no tony... we all see this...." bruce said it quietly. i sighed patting my dads shoulder, "here i thought i was forgotten or something." my dad laughed kissing my forehead, "worry no lady rose you are quite strong in our hearts." i blushed an laughed, it sounded like wind chimes. "I love you all too."

"How could she be my daughter?!" Thor2 yelled it with tears in his eyes, i looked at him. "i would sleep with no woman other then jane." i rolled my eyes, " jane is my mother." everything grew quiet, i felt the ping in my heart. my dad rested a hand on my head. "she speaks the truth, but let use talk on this situation" he gestured toward the copies. fury nodded, "so it looks as if they are re, but so are we... Controller had said he would do a world a favor an in he would die I'm guessing." i nodded, "which could have been him sending us here.... an getting rid of the avengers..."i gasped, "he sacrificed himself just to get rid of us?!" Clint said it in shock. Blackwidow2 stared at clint with tears in her eyes. this one had short hair, so at least i could tell the difference. i wonder what was up?
The other fury walked up to us, "so your us? From a different world or something?" Our fury nodded, "seems so... although there seems to be some diffeences." i looked there was now that i looked, like thor2 had shorter hair , an the tony2 had a gotee. Plus they had small differences in their outfits. I nodded in agreement to them. "so... what do we do?" I was the one to ask it. fury2 rubbed his chin, "i guess we can house you all for now...." i smiled, "awesome!! Oh no...." they looked at me confused, "what is it?" Steve2 asked it stepping forward. "now there are two steve's an two tonys not to mention two thors.... i think the world will explode." everyone laughed, tony gripped my shoulder. "we at least only have one of you." I rolled my eyes, "oh there will only ever be." I snickered an the other finally walked over. they all came up to me, " this is odd." tony2 poked my nose. i narrowed my eyes, "your odd..."

On our way to their ship i got battered with questions, an pokes at that.

----later on----

I was sitting where i had been sitting before all this had happened, my head kinda hurt from it all actually. i had found out that the clint of this world had died... that my mom in this world was alive, and it made me wonder if Clint's wife was alive in this world. "Lady rose..." i turned my head looking at what at first glance i thought was my dad it was thor2. "Hello..." i wasn't sure what to call him... "You may call me father if you like i am technically your father still. He had a gleam of hope in his eyes, i frowned... But then i smiled. "sure, did you need something?" He sat next to me, "no just was curious about you..." I snickered, "ah i see." i looked at the setting sun over the rolling hills. "what is your full name?" "Rose foster odinson" he nodded, "who raised you?" I smirked, "my mom you didn't know until i was about 16... my mother was dying of cancer... i went with you." "oh..." that must have made him feel odd. "are you mortal?" I laughed a little, " well... i am the goddess of the fairies" he went wide eyed, "what?" I nodded.

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