Ready set home

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I sat in a chair and stared at the glass cage loki girl was in. She was glaring back at me all puffy faced. She had been crying... Now all was silent. Which i had no problem with. I just stared at her and she stared back. That was my job for today. Watch the idiot girl loki.

She moved and i just let my eyes fallow her. She was starting to pace. "Why do you look like thora?" She asked it while looking annoyed.

I shrugged, "who knows? Maybe we are twins or something."

For a single moment she looked like she believed it. But then she looked at me angry turning around and sitting facing away. Man... This was wierd. Loki would have been trying to pin me against the rest of the team. This girl was nothing like loki. I pulled out my phone and recorded her. "Im thor's daughter from another world." I snickered as her head snapped to me.

She looked at me in awe, "woah really? Wait thor?" She looked confused.

"Gender swapped dear... And also your really dumb compared to my loki." I said it with a smirk.

She got up and stared at me all butt hurt. Then she started to cry. I hit the stop button on my phone and saved it. Wow... Haha i would show Loki while we was locked up one of those times. He would be so disappointed in himself. I laughed a little and went back to watching her.

After a while another guard came in to take over. I headed to my 'room' which was a couch in the teams livingroom. I just couldn't sleep with my dad and thora. They both snored so it was a bit loud at night. I laid on the couch. I re watched the video once. I laughed i still could not get over the girl loki. She was meant to be blonde i swear. I couldnt believe there was actually a world where thor(thora) was the smart one. Huh funny...

"Hello rose, how are you doing?" I looked up from the couch. Nathan was standing with Cassie at the foot of the couch. I just stared at them so they are connected at the hip here also? Huh... Waved a bit. "Hey, I'm alright amazed at how dumb Loki is." I said it sitting up, laying down with someone talking to/watching you was odd.

Nathan laughed, "she is! Not to be mean just she is. Wait you say that like your suprised... " he looked at Cassie then me.

I nodded, "in my world Loki is actually really smart. He is also really evil... Most of the time... But ya he may make dumb choices with the side he is on but he is nooo way near this blonde." I said it laughing a little.

Clint snickered, "no way! Really? That sounds great! I wonder how they would react to seeing eachother?" She said it with a laugh.

We continued to chat about out worlds. Then something crossed mummy mind. "Wait... Where is steve?" I asked it looking around. One of the people i had not met. They looked at each other confused. "You know captain america?" I knew he would be a female but she would be similar to steve.

Cassie snapped her fingers, "ah! Miss america!" She said it thinking.

"What about me?" I looked toward the door and i went wide eyed. I nearly screamed and got up running over to her! "You are so damn cute!!! Has steve met you yet? Hell of yes's!" I snapped a picture of her as her face started getting red.

"W-what? Who a-re you?!" She backed up and looked at the others who just laughed. She has shinning blue eyes, a button nose, rosy red cheeks and shorter to her shoulders barely blonde curls.

I cleared my throat a bit relaxing, "sorry i couldn't help myself. I am rose! Im thor's daughter. There are others around we are the opposite gender of the one here. So I'm used to a big hunky Steve walking around. " as if he was feeling his presence being noticed Steve walked in with Bruce. They waved to me and i waved them over.

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