Fight Fires

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Hey guys! So this is my first story,

Dynamite, which is about a small town girl with big city dreams. She's had a tricky past, and guards her heart fiercely. But one day she gets a phone call, and it changes her life forever. Hope you like it!! <3


Chapter One: Fight Fires


Is what I want to say to my overbearing parents, but instead, I keep calm (on the outside) and pretend to listen to my dad's nagging.

Yeah, hi, I'm Lola. Let me give you a run down of myself: I've got wavy brown hair, big grey eyes, and I'm 5,8. I'm slender, and have a Spanish background. I love music, playing guitar, and drawing. I want to be a singer/songwriter one day. Unfortunately, my parents don't agree with that. Something they constantly remind me of.

"Lola, you know your mother and I don't agree with that singing dream of yours. Don't be silly! A young, intelligent girl like yourself has a better future of being a doctor!" Says my dad.

"Dad, you KNOW I'll never succeed there! What if, during an operation, I start singing, and then whoops! There goes my knife, straight into the patient's heart!" I retaliate.

At this, he begins to chuckle.

"That's why you'll study first, and prepare yourself. Forget those Hollywood dreams and be more like me. Sensible."

Another thing you might notice about my dad. He's very proud. Of himself. I mean, he's not a bad dad, but he boasts about himself and his achievements way too often.

"Daddy, I don't want to be a boring, corporate CEO of a bank, like you. It even SOUNDS boring. You know I could never sit at a desk all day. Why can't we move? Or at least let me distribute my demo CD out in the city! I know I can be a singer! Just give me a chance!!"

"No! This is the last time I want to hear you say anything about singing! Do I make myself clear?" He exaggerates his point by banging his fist against the table.

"Fine." I reply, fully pissed. He's so stubborn! He thinks he knows just about everything, and that means he can dictate my future! I don't want to be a boring office worker! I don't want to work in a gross hospital with sick people everyday! I just want to sing. Is that so hard?

Finally, my mom steps in. "Time to go to school, hun."

So I hop on my blue bicycle, and peddle away as fast as I can.


School is not much better than home. We have stupid cliques everywhere: geeks, nerds (there's a difference), (usually high) visual artists, hot jocks, deep musicians, dramatic arts people, snobby dancers, ESLs (English as Second Language), photography and film weirdos. And of course, at top of the food chain are the populars, or the 'Entitled' as my friends and I call them. They're made of of the richest, meanest, most beautiful people at our school. I used to be one of them, actually. Before...

Anyway, now I hang out with Stefanie and Bridgit. Even though Steph is a visual artist, and Bri is a dramie, we kinda make up our own clique. I don't really have a place.

We sit on the football field at lunch, eating, talking, and watching the jocks practice. Today's discussion is about running away to L.A., where we'll all reach our dreams.

Bridgit starts it off by saying,"If only one of us could drive. We'd be in L.A. in a second!"

Stephanie replies,"The first thing I'd do, is head for the beaches. I'd LOVE to paint that landscape."

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