Sparks Fly

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"Uhh, Lola...Beatrice is my girlfriend."

I stare in shock. I'm pretty sure my mouth is gaping open too. I just can't believe it. Dear, sweet, adorable Dustin was dating cruel, bitter, disgusting Beatrice?? They were complete opposites! I didn't know he went for fake bimbos. But I guess there is a lot I don't know about him these past 6 months.

To cover up my surprise (which was evident through my fish eyes and huge mouth), I plaster a false smile on my face and say,

"Well ain't that a nice...surprise! Y'all look darn cute together-as cute as a button I'd say!"

...have I mentioned, that when I'm nervous or try to lie, I suddenly form a Southern accent and I talk Southern too...

My weird outburst confuses Dustin and Beatrice, but Dustin fakes an awkward laugh and the moment passes. I guess if he's happy, then I should be happy too. But it's hard to be, when I see Beatrice, dressed in a tight, short dress with a very low, revealing neckline. Happy, I remind myself. I'm happy.

So my happy self and I get on my bike and wave goodbye. Is it just my imagination, or did Dustin look...disappointed? Nah. It must've been the streetlights playing tricks on me. It's over. We were never meant to be, I guess. And I'm totally...happy.


Sneaking back into my room isn't a problem-my parents are the soundest sleepers. Once, I accidentally set off the fire alarm when I burnt my eggs, and they didn't even stir. It's crazy.

I fall back on my pillow, in my same party clothes, and dream about how the conversation with Dustin could have gone. And in my dreams, Beatrice doesn't exist.


In the morning, I grab a bagel, and rush out to my bike. In the midst of my wonderful Dustin dreams, my alarm forgot to go off. So I'm officially late. Great.

I rush into Mrs. Donatello's class. Oh dear. She hates me. So I show her my late slip, and in return she gives me a detention pass. Dang it!! It's my fourth late arrival. Ugh. My life sucks.

I sit right behind Dustin, and right beside Bridgit. So I spend my class time talking with her about shoes-successfully ignoring the worried glances Dustin keeps shooting me.

"I was at Legend the other day, and I saw the CUTEST red pumps EVER! And they had gold, glittery detail...but they were 75 bucks. *Sigh* The life of a poor waitress..."

I laughed. "Aww Bri. You still haven't found a new job yet? We gotta find more ways to save up for the trip!"

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry, I'm sure something will come up soon. Maybe I should work at Legend!"

"You'd get an awesome discount! Go for it! I'm pretty sure the pay is much higher-"


I'm interrupted by a pair of baby blue eyes. Dustin.

I sigh inwardly, and lift my gaze to meet his. "Yes?" I say, tiredly.

"Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to talk to you." After looking at Bridgit, he looks back at me, pointedly. "Alone."

"Alright..." I share a look with Bri, both of us conveying our confusion.

Once we are situated a little bit away from the rest of the class, he asks me,

"Are you...ok with what happened yesterday?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I feel right as rain!"

"Well know we used to have a little,'relationship', before-uh, before December. So, I wanted to know if you minded?"

"Look, Dustin, it really doesn't matter what I think. We're not a couple, so feel free to do whatever you want." I say all this, biting my lip and avoiding his eyes.

"Okay, good. Friends?"

He offers his hand out. I hesitantly, shake it.

"Ow!" I squeal. That hurt!

"What? What happened?" Dustin looks at my hand, puzzled.

"Do you have a shocker attached to your hand or something? That really stung!"

"No. I don't have anything-I swear! Ohh! I get it now. I'm sorry if I static-shocked you, Lola." He quickly bends down and kisses the palm of my hand.

Whaa??? That small touch sends tingles of pleasant electricity up my arm. I hide my smile behind my other hand, and pretend to cough.

Dustin's piercing blue eyes turn towards me, and unconsciously, my coughing starts to worsen.

"Do you need some water? I'll go get you a cup." He jumps out of his chair and runs out the door.

My coughing fit subsides, and I look down at my kissed hand, gazing at it with a dazed smile. I'm sure my cheeks must be an unattractive shade of red by now, and they're positively burning.

I glance up, to see if the rest of the class noticed. Nope.


Except for a pair of beady eyes glaring at me, belonging to Heather Snelding...

...Beatrice's best friend.

Oh, crap.


Thanks for reading my third chapter! I hope you guys (and girls) like it so far. There's a whole lot of girl (and boy) drama coming up, so stay tuned, and the next chapter will be up soon! Love ya!!


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