part ♡ five

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   He held the archaic paper tightly in his hands as if his depended on it. Icy blue eyes scanned the intricate sketch on the brown paper as he took long strides down the stairs. He ran his fingers through his flawless blonde locks.

"Dad?" His deep, raspy voice called out into the vast house in search of his parents.

"Over here in the kitchen!" His dad called out, a smile on his face.

"I found this in the attic," Luke cut straight to the point, placing the paper in front of his father. "I found her."

His father widened his eyes, taking a close look at the sketch of a boy turning into a wolf with white fur. He read the familiar words that seemed to be etched in his mind.

"There shall be an alpha whom will be the first of many. First to have pure alabaster skin and coat. First to acquaintance with a female human."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Luke barked, pacing the kitchen floor trying to control his temper.

"I didn't think you'd find her at this young age," Andrew answered. "Luke, being the alpha of the pack is already putting a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. I didn't want to burden you with anything else."

"I can handle it, Dad! This ancient legend is about me! Do you know how important this is?" Luke interrupted, facing his father. Ruthless fury was evident in his tone. "Besides, you marked Mum when she was seventeen!"

Andrew sighed, rubbing his forehead out of frustration. It was no use arguing against his stubborn son.

"Make this girl your mate by the full moon."

"That's at the end of the month!" Luke raised his eyebrows, not believing the conversation he was having. "It's not possibly enough time."

"Then make time."


She opened her tired brown eyes to come in sight of her dull familiar room. She had somehow changed into her pajamas, the light coming from the window indicating that she had slept through the entire day. A string of curse words tumbled out of her mouth as she trudged into the kitchen to meet her mother who was currently making dinner.

Images of what happened to the night prior rushed into her mind, making her head spin again. She didn't know how to react, what was she supposed to do? Tell the whole world that the guy she found attractive was a werewolf who could eat someone alive?

"Mom?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes. Her head was pounding and the headache didn't seem to lessen.

"Hey sweetheart," her mom greeted. "How are you feeling, Y/N?"

"Fine." She lied, waling to get a glass of water from the fridge. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I didn't want to disturb you... and I thought you needed a day off from school." Her mom flashed a forced smile. Y/N ignored the strange behavior of her mother.

"How did I get back home?"

"A boy drove you in his car. He had blonde hair and one of those trashy pieces of metal in his mouth. Luke or something?"

"It's not trashy," Y/N defended him.

"What exactly happened last night?"

"Uhm I was walking through the for-forest when I didn't feel well." Y/N lied through her teeth, fidgeting with the ends of her hair. "And then-"

"Why didn't you tell me that you were going into that forest with a boy?" Her mom prodded, putting her hand on her hip.

"Because you're never home!" Y/N yelled, clenching her fists. "Ever since we moved to this damn town, nothing's been right!"

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