Unplanned Pt. 4

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The next morning you woke up with the other side of the bed empty. You sighed at the thought that Gabriel had left in the middle of the night without so much as leaving a note. That is until you heard him talking to Xavier over the baby moniter. Chuckleing to yourself you got out of bed and went to use the bathroom and brush your teeth.

"I can see you two are having fun in here." You spoke walking into the nursery.

"Of course we are. I'm all about having fun with this guy." Gabe smile as Xavier stretched his little arms up toward him.

"Yeah well I'm ending your fun time right now so I can change and feed him. After that you can burp him and have all the fun you can fit in before he falls asleep." You told him as you took Xavier from his arms.

"I suppose that will have to do. But I'll be dropping him off at the bunker with Dean and Sam. I have some business to take care of in heaven. They can bring him with them when they come over later for dinner. They still are coming for dinner right?"

"That's fine. And yes Sam and Deaan are still coming over for dinner. After work I'll pick some stuff up to make dinner. You want anything in particular Gabe?"

"Yes as matter of--"

"I mean something that's not candy. Actual food that is meant to be eaten during meal times. Any suggestions?" You asked rolling your eeyes as you chuckled under your breath.

"How about...," Gabriel started tapping his chin as he thought. "Pasta. Lasagna. With that amazing homemade sauce you always make. That with that amazing asparagus dish you make sometimes."

"Ok I'll stop by the store on my way home."

~*time skip brought to you by Sam's lucious hair~*

"Hey honey how was your day?" Gabriel asked wrapping his arms around you as you cooked.

"Damn it Gabe don't sneak up on me like that," you scolded. "But my day was fine. You know you're going to have to stop zapping in and out of the house once Xavier is older right?"

"Where's the fun in that Y/N? I need something to bond over with my son."

"Yeah well you two can bond over something else. He doesn't need to know about all this yet. I want to keep him out of this life/world for as long as I can."

Gabriel just sighed and nodded in agreement. He knew you were right. And as much as he wanted Xavier to know the truth he wanted his son to have a life outside of hunting and monsters. He was brought out of his thoughts with the sound of the doorbell ringing.

"I'll get it. It's probably Sam and Dean with Xavier." Gabriel whispered in your ear as he went to get the door.

"Hey Y/N. We're here and ready to party," Dean boomed as he walked into the kitchen. "Not to mentiin it smells great in here."

"Always thinking with your stomach Dean," you giggled as you turned away from the stove and hugged him. "And I hope my child is all in one piece and alive."

With a cheesy smile he said "Yeah he's alive and in one piece. Although he did have fun at the strip club."

You hit him upside the head and glared at him. "Very funny. Keep going like that and you migh find a thing or two wrong with baby." You smirked and went back to finish cooking. Even though you couldn't see Dean's face you could tell he had a serious unhappy look on his face.


"You know as Xavier gets older we're going to have to do our best to keep all this a secret from him right?" You asked as you sat on Gabriel's lap and put your arm around his neck.

"It's going be hard when he's a teenager and something can't be explained away simply." Sam observed as he rocked Xavier in his arms.

"I suppose we don't have to tell him anything unless it's absolutely necessary." Gabriel piped in.

"Anyways no worries about that right now. Are you and Dean staying here for the night or are you heading back to the bunker?"

"Actually Dean and I should get going. I'll put Xavier down and then we'll be out of your hair." Sam declared as he got up from the table.

After Dean and Sam had left you checked on Xavier one last time before going through your nivht time routine and getting ready for bed. It had been a long day and you were ready for bed. Thank god you didn't have to be at work till 12:30 the next day. You were sure that Gabriel would be able to take care of Xavier while you slept in a little longer than usual.

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