Untold secret

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Ever had something you wanted to share. Something that could better or worsen your life. Ever wanted to say those words you've been practising to say once you finally get the courage to share it. But you was too afraid of the aftermath of the words you could say but may never receive the intended help you thought you might get.

Have you ever been so scared to speak just in case you said the secret you think is buried deep but really it could be on the tip of your tongue.

Rose stelltan was a 17 year old girl, brunette and bright. A shy girl with an unreadable expression on her face. She had the same problem.

You see she lived with her dad for 7 years until she went to live with her mum and her mums girlfriend and also all her siblings that she had never met.

Now her mum wasn't exactly the clean type or the caring type but she had no other option as her dad got a new job and she couldn't stay at home for months without parental supervision. The decision was made and she moved into the small attic bedroom with her little sister and had to share the bed with her.

Rose kept all her new bought clothes under some broken floorboards and put her less important box of things on top so noone would find them. She had to wear scruffy clothes and she used to have cold baths as they were only allowed a hot bath once a week.

She put up with it because she had to but the tears would come out every night.

Now would you speak out?

She didn't and for 10 years of bullying,fights and small portions she finally ran away with all her stuff packed tightly into her rucksack she got from her dad as a leaving present and then she got up quietly and left.

She went on the train using money she saved for ten years from her dad and got to her hometown and went to see if her father was in but her wasnt so she went to go buy a drink(she still had a little bit of money left over from the train fare as she save up quite a bit) from her local(used to be) shop.

To be continued...

She finally reached her front door,stopping and squatting for oxygen,she took a few deep breaths and stood up,the world began spinning,her body caving in,crushing under pressure.Her eyes rolled back in her head,she fell violently to the floor of her home. Her body slumped awkwardly on the slabs outsides her home, no-one will ever know her story, no-one will ever find out the truth of why she left home to start with but why did she come back, well she thought that they would take her in again...


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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