You're Tearing Us Apart

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As Brian, the nurse and the other three Beatles ran down the hallway and into the ICU area, the only thing they heard was loud screams of, "NO!" and, "WHY DID YOU COME HERE AGAIN?" "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE GONE!" "HE WAS SUPPOSED TO KEEP ME SAFE!" you could practically smell the fear as the five raced to George's room. Once they reached the room 122, the nurse opened the door and allowed Brian in but told the other three they could not come in since they haven't signed a registration forum for visiting. And it wasn't even visiting hours anyhow so they couldn't go in. They were forced to stay outside the room while Brian and the nurse ran in, the nurse quickly shutting the door behind them.

John leaned his ear against the door to hear the conversations going on. "What's happening?" "We don't know. We sedated him earlier and he woke up with only being asleep for thirty minutes at the most. He just started mumbling, talking and then it lead to this." "Well can't you do anything?" "Once he calms down we can do blood work but every other test we can do can only be when he's awake and calm. We can't sedate him anymore since we already did earlier. It would be too much drugs. Are you sure he's not on any medication?"

"It was silent. "Well, he's apparently on medication." "What?" "Yes, um, I found out earlier by filling out his emergency contact sheets. I never knew he was on anything. Oh, I'm Brian Epstein by the way." "Doctor Watson, pleased to meet you. Gina, please go get those forums Mr. Epstein filled out. I need to see what medication he is on." there was a thump and the sound of something big being knocked over, "And hurry, please."

Moments later the door opened and John was almost knocked over by the door. Gina (the nurse) didn't even notice hitting John with the door. She ran down the hallway yet again in search for the papers Brian filled out from earlier. Paul paced outside the door and grabbed his hair, Ringo slid against the wall and sat on the floor and John kept listening through the door.

"George, come on George. Stay with us. Just calm down alright?" "GO. AWAY." "George, you need to calm down okay?" "YOU'RE NOT REAL! NONE OF THIS IS REAL!" "Shh, come on. Just lay back for me." "NO!" a thump.

"That's it, I'm going in." John sad and shoved the door open. Paul and Ringo followed behind him. Once in the small room, they saw the one Doctor desperately trying to hold George down. Paul ran to the Doctor's aid, holding down George's chest and keeping a firm grip on his hand. "Who are you?" the Doctor asked, out of breath. "We're the other three Beatles. I'm Paul and the other two are John and Ringo. We're George's bandmates and well, friends." the Doctor nodded. "Right, well as much as I hate to say this, I need to get him on some downers so we can do blood work on him and a MRI scan. We may just put him asleep during the scan since it can be easily disturbed by the smallest movements."

Paul nodded, "Are you George's Doctor?" the Doctor reached out a hand, "Doctor Watson. Pleased to meet you. Now, Paul, keep George held down while I get the downers to put in his IV." Paul hadn't even noticed George was attached to an IV...well, because George knocked it over in the floor. So that's where that thump came from...

John and Ringo helped pick up George's IV stand and a table and aid-kit George had knocked over. George was still thrashing about and yelling. "Guys, can you help me?" Ringo and John stopped what they were doing and went to George's bed. Ringo took ahold of George's legs (he was kicking furiously) and John grabbed his other hand and stroked his hair back trying to soothe him. "Georgie it's John. Look, whatever you're seein' isn't real, alright? Just know that. So calm to fuck down and stop kicking Ringo." That seemed to make George want to kick even more.

Brian was still in the room, but he was completely silent and unmoving. Just watching the three struggle to get George back into reality. He needed a smoke, and a good nights sleep, and drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. He thought about takin a few extra sleeping pills tonight so he'd be
rested enough for the hellish day to come tomorrow.

Paul was shushing George as he screamed and John was still stroking through his chestnut hair. "George, please. You've got to calm down. You need to. You are scaring us, and I'm never scared at all. But now I'm fucking terrified. Just stop doing whatever you're doing, alright? Just, be normal again." George began crying. "HE WON'T LET ME BE NORMAL! HE TOOK IT AWAY FROM ME!" George was at least responding though it was in fear and delusion. "Who Georgie?" Ringo asked as he let go of his legs, since George was no longer kicking. "I can't tell you! He'll hurt me if I do! He will! He'll..." George began to sob. He seemed to snap back into reality more but at the same time was out of it.

John shushed him and stroked through his hair as George continued to sob uncontrollably. John pulled George's head closed to where it rested on John's side. "George, come on, calm down. Please. You need to calm down. They want to do a MRI and you have to be calm."

Ringo's heart was breaking from watching this. He wanted to comfort George more than anything, wanted to comfort Brian who stood like a statue just watching and he wanted to lay in the floor and sob. He wanted to help more, God he did. But he couldn't.

He was no stranger to feeling useless. Hell, he couldn't play guitar or bass or write songs...he was just, "the drummer" and just the back beat to the band. But as useless as he's felt all those other times, nothing can compare to now.

Ringo hadn't even realized his eyes were beginning to over flow from watching George sob into John's side. Ringo sighed heavily, wiped at his eyes and left the room with-out a sound. "Ringo?" Paul asked as he left. All Paul got in response was a door closing. John, still trying to calm a sobbing George, said, "Paul leave him be. Him and George are close and this may be a bit much for him?" Paul rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah, like this is a fucking picnic for us, John! The selfish bastard better get his ass back in here." "Oh Paul, shut it. Let him have time to himself." Paul's face was solum and hard. He was tired, stressed, sad, angry and was even more pissed that Ringo was selfish enough to leave.

He had it. Paul slammed down George's hand he had a firm grip on and his hand hit the side of the bed quite hard. "The fuck?" John questioned. Paul stomped over to Brian and looked him straight in the eye. "Why don't you go do something useful to help George? If not, go find one of your little fuck boys and give it to 'em up the ass. That's all you're fuckin' good for anymore!" Brian ignored him, holding his head down and ignoring his gaze.

"Paul, what the fuck is your problem?!" John stopped stroking George's hair. "You think you're helping George by screaming? He's terrified right now. You need to calm down and leave Brian alone." Paul laughed and looked at Brian who was literally ignoring the heated conversation and trying his best to stay afar from it.

"Well since you haven't done shit why don't you take George into a closet and fuck him like you've always wanted to do since Hamburg?" Brian was speechless, and George had even stopped sobbing and shaking to hear their conversation. "What the hell is your problem?!" John yelled. John let go of George and went around the bed to get in Paul's face.

"You're being a fucking bully you know that? You're fucking mad and can't stand it because no one is paying attention to you for once. You are aren't you? Heh, I knew it. Poor 'lil Macca can't stand someone else getting attention. You're a piece of shit, you know that? Talking to Brian like that and me?" Brian had actually left the room sometime during John's yelling. "So just piss off, you're useless being here and just a waste of space right now."

A fist collided with John's face.

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