Sangre Falls

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Sandra Madera


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Sangre Falls

Copyright © 2011 by Sandra Madera

Ebook Edition License Notes

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As I walked down the cement sidewalk, rain soaking through my clothes, I had no way of knowing that my life would change forever. With a storm passing through and thunder bolts momentarily lighting the night's sky, I angrily stomped in every puddle, causing the water to splash around my combat boots. Zipping my black hoodie to guard against the frigid night air, all I could think about was the day I was told we were relocating to Sangre Falls.

My guardian, José Medina, told me that he was moving the whole clan to a mansion just outside of town. That was a hundred miles away from our old place in Brownsville! I was surprised by the news. I had never been outside of Brownsville, the town where I lived out my relatively short existence as a vampire, and, now, I was being uprooted.

It is not that I hate Sangre Falls, but the people are quite unwelcoming. It is the kind of spot-on-the-map town where people seem naturally suspicious of one another, but for the most part, everyone stays out of your business. I guess one would think that would work in my favor, being what I am and all, but I dreaded the move. Who really likes change anyway? Not me! I was used to my life before and didn't see the need to throw everything away to start over.

"This is not fair... Don't I have a say in where I live?" I asked, brushing my straight, black hair away from my face. I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me so quickly I got a bad case of whiplash.

"It's for the protection of our kind, Alexis," José said calmly, standing over me. "The towns' people have become aware of our habits. They find it suspicious that we only come out after sundown. If they were to find out what we are, they would hunt us down. It wouldn't be long before our kind goes extinct."

So with that little speech, I, Alexis Adeluna, was whisked away-well, it was more like dragged, kicking and screaming-to a dark mansion on a hill, overlooking the town of Sangre Falls.

With my feet pounding on the pavement, I took a left onto Cemetery Drive. It was not uncommon for me to be found in a cemetery. In my spare time, I liked to do grave rubbings. Grave Rubbing is when you make a copy of a gravestone by placing a paper on a grave and rubbing a crayon over it. Some people used charcoal which is a better medium, but I was no artist. I just use crayons and hang the rubbings in my attic bedroom. It sounds morbid, but I like to make stories up about the people whose graves I rub. In my world, fantasy was better than the shit load of reality I had to deal with on a day-to-day basis. Being immortal wasn't easy! One has to learn the fine art of kicking ass and taking names... which I hadn't gotten the hang of and was still trying to master. We had to support ourselves with investments that may or may not be legal and we had to change our persona from time to time to throw off humans. We couldn't risk their suspicion falling on us.

With the roar of thunder in my ears and a flash of lightning in my eyes, I entered through the cemetery gates. Preoccupied and temporarily blinded, I had no way of knowing I was about to collide with someone until my body felt like I had run into a brick wall. The force of the collision was strong. So much so that my ass hit the pavement so hard that I thought I was going to break it.

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