Session 5: Ashes to Ashes by Lucy Rhodes

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Session 5

Ashes to Ashes by Lucyface Rhodes

Maggie Walker is a directionless twenty-something, hopelessly infatuated with her dreamy boss, Colton Ashe; She spends her days in quixotic daydreams about the earth-shattering romance she is certain they are destined to share - a perpetual fantasy powered by butterflies.

Of course, Maggie was certain of that with her last crush too, but THIS time it's different. It's Colton.With her closest friend Mona (her cat) by her side and sisters, Bea and Pippa, laughing from the sidelines, Maggie will have to learn the realities of true love - whether she wants to or not.


Discussion Questions:

1) As a writer, the first 500 words of your story are crucial for hooking readers in. Character driven stories have a bit of an uphill battle in engaging readers, without the benefit of fast-paced action scenes, or overtones of mystery and suspense.
Did the first scene in chapter 1 hook you in? / Did you want to keep reading? Why?
Did the subsequent chapter/s deliver, i.e. did the pacing work? If not, why?

2) I have been considering writing a short prologue showing a bit of Maggie in her previous job, and the beginning of the end of her previous crush (Michael Richardson).
As a reader, is this something that would interest you? Why/not?
As a reader/writer do you think this would work well with the first few chapters of the story? Why/not?

3) Character driven stories rely on an engaging main character, even if your readers don't necessarily like them; readers need to feel like they want to know what happens to the character.
What do you see as Maggie's strengths and weaknesses?
Do you identify with her personally, or can you relate her to someone else in your life? In what way/s?

4) Relationships are another defining characteristic of character driven stories.
What is your favourite relationship in Ashes? Why?

5) Please provide any editorial feedback you might have, i.e. How can I make it better?


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