A Little Bit Longer (More & Less)

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Dearest Supplicants,

As you know, your Almighties have been vacationing on the islands of Busy and Stressed (they're in the Caribbean). We have taken some time away from drinking copious amounts of coffee and relaxing in the fetal position to sort through your excellent feedback on the CBC's New Directions: now with less singing!

As much as we love pontificating, here are the basics of the changes we'd like to enact for the CBC:

1. Longer sessions: We will dedicate two weeks to each featured work.

2. Less work: Fewer questions to answer and fewer chapters to be read (and more time in which to do it; see above).

3. More talking: We'd like to start a club thread in the Pub where members can chat about the club, the featured work, the anthology (more on that in point four) and anything we so desire. We want to make sure we do it right, so we're just waiting to hear back from Wattpad HQ re: where we'll be setting up - Stay tuned!

4. More writing: The CBC anthology we previously discussed with the genre-bender is still on our minds. We'd love your ideas, suggestions, and submissions. We have an audience of +1K, and it can be yours! (More on this in a separate post.)

5. More members (!?!): We are lowering requirements for people who would like their work featured in the club. We are also funneling all requests directly to us: PM US (More on this in a separate post.)

6. More More: We will be cycling our featured session between 'new' works to the club and as well as taking sessions to revisit novels we've previously featured.

7. More Us: Besides upping our social aspect through the club thread, we have also started a Twitter account where you can keep up with us: @CBC_Watt. Make noises at us! Use the hashtag #CBCWatt ! Remember the 'Watt' part. We have no beef with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

There you have it. We will be sending out sporadic outbursts of thunder and hailstorms of brimstone to alert you of further messages as we get them started.

We are aiming to start back up in November, so mark it on your calendars!

ALSO: SHOULD WE DO A CHICKLIT NaNoWriMo? You bet your cutie patootie that we'll be ambitious about thinking about planning it!

As ever,

Your Almighty Almighties

CBC: The Sessions (a.k.a. The Review Book)Where stories live. Discover now