Two: Christian

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 I dropped the twins off at the nursery school, as soon as I turned around to go outside I ran straight into Christian Welch. 

He was in a college not to far from here, and was 19.  I ran right into his chest. Then tripped back and fell.  He offered his hand to help me up.

"Hey. It's Danny right?"

"um yeah,"

"Well, I'm Chrisitan. But I think we've met before,"

"Yeah ypu were a senior last year. We took Art 2 together, I was a sophmore,"

"ohh yeah, you were the little cutie who sat by me,"

"haha I guess so," I said and winked at him.

"How about we go get some coffee after church?"

"Sorry, I can't... How about tonight. About 7?"

"I'd like that," He smiled. "here's my number. Text me the directions to your house."

"Mkay, I'll do that. See ya later."

I turned around and walked awaay from him, still smiling.

Church couldn't have gone by fasr enough.  The minister was talking about our sins and God will always forgive us.

Service was finally over and I got the twins to leave. When I pulled into the drive way I immediately noticed my mom's beat up truck in the yard. Great. I braced myself for another fight.

We got inside and she was sitting on the couch. "Y'all go change into play clothes," I told the twins.

"Where have you been?" My mom asked.

" I could ask you the same thing," I mumbled and walked into my room. She followed me.

"No you can't young lady!" my mom fussed as I slid my jeans off.

"Really? Cause I remember my brother and sister waking me up this morning because they were hungry. They didn't wake you up,"

"Danielle answer the question,"

"Fine Rachel. We went to church,

"Drop the attitude. Chris is brining me and the twins to some fair, you wanna come?"

I laughed. "Yeah right."

"Fine." She said, rolled her eyes, and left.

Chris was my mom's off and on again boyfriend. Accutally now he was her fiance.  Me and my uncle had a bet of how long that would last.

They were supposed to get married in 4 months. He was probaly gonna move in with his two brats.  He has a 13 year old daughter named Raven and a 10 year old son named Elliott. Their mom was a crack head who mostly stayed in jail. I made it very clear that neither of the kids would be staying in my room. Nathan and Natalie can share them.

She had the twins out of the house before Christian picked me up. I sliped into my dark blue low-cut shirt and black skirt.

He knocked on the front door. I thought my heart was gonna pop out of my chest. 

Christian walked me me to his black truck that was sitting behind my car.  I got in and instantly smelt the leather seats mixed with his cologne.

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