Twenty-Nine: Baby shower.

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I look over at the clock.  It's only 3.A.M. and these Braxton Hicks contractions are killing me! On top of that the girls are kicking like crazy.  They don't know that I need to be up in four hours.  My baby shower was at 12, so at 9 they wanted me to get there. 

I didnt't have to set up but I did have to be there just in case. 

I got up to walk around the house and get some water.  As I stretched I could feel my back ache get stronger.  I got some water and forced myself back in bed. 

I could barely sleep through the pain but I managed to do it until Ethan sweetly woke me up. 

I took my time in the shower, as the hot water worked over my body I felt relief from the pain my daughters 'blessed' me with. 

Now, don't get me wrong I do love being pregnant but it is very painful..  My doctor said being 16 didn't help the whole pain problem because my body is still so small...  The whole 37 weeks have basically flown by for me. 

My due date was only 3 weeks away now.  I was due February  12th.  The Braxton Hicks made me want the date to hurry up so the pain would quit.  

Ethan helped me into his truck, it was sweet but annoyed the hell out of me.  I can't believe I need help getting into a truck now..   Being all big and pregnant has limited the stuff I can physically do.  Lucky for me I have a Fiancée  who is really helpful and understanding.  I have no doubt on how lucky I am since most teenage guys run out when their girl friend gets pregnant.  Ethan on the other hand embraced it. 

We pulled into the church's parking lot all I saw was my dad's blue pick up truck and Jake's shiny red car.  Olivia and Jake are actually happy together.  It's been so long since I've seen Olivia happy with a guy. 

"Hey girlie," Olivia greeted me with a hug.

"Hey. What y'all need help with?"

"How about you spread the confetti on the tables?"  She handed me a few bags of little pink and silver confetti.  I took them and started working. 

After the fifth table I had to sit down.  Damn these Braxton Hick's are intense.

Ethan saw me sitting down and rushed to me. "Are you ohkay?"  He asked.

"Yeah, can you get me some water?" 

"Sure," he left and was back in an instant.  I drank the water fast, no relief was given but I faked it so Ethan would stop worrying.


The guest started arrviing.  I recognized most of the girls from my old classes.  Since I graduated early I didn't need the extra few months.  My family came of course. All my cousins, my uncles, grandparents,  and great aunts showed up. 

Ethan's big sister, Cassie, greeted me warmer then the rest of his family.   I've met her before but his parents only once.  I don't think his mom really liked me.  She would always let her deep green eyes sink into a glare when I smiled. 

Cassie, Olivia, Jade, Nancy, Annie, and I sat at a table all together towards the front.  Etahn sat  with my uncles and the twins to the right of me, his parents sat by him the rest of the guests sat at diffrent tables scattered around.

"Time to open the gifts!" Nancy announced after some shower games.

Ugh, the Braxton Hicks came again as I started opening.  Cassie gave us the most adoreable set of blankets for our nursery and two stuffed bunnies.  One was pink with Jessica  written on its foot, the other was purple with Sophia.   His mom gave some pink burping cloths with two sets of pacifiers.  Nancy and my dad gave us two car seats.  I told them that was too much but it was very sweet and I,personally, was grateful. 

My grandparents(Mom's parents) gave us a bouncer bed, Tommy gave us some beautiful dresses with matching shoes.  My family mostly gave us bottles, mobiles, and toys.  Ethan's family gave clothes, stuffed animals, sippy cups, someone even gave us a high chair.

Suddenly I felt somehting..wet?  I leaned over to Nancy.  "Umm I think my water just broke."


"Yeah.... What should I do?"

"Let's get you to the hospital!"  She said helping me up.

I stood up and Ethan was immediately behind me.

"I think she's goin into labor," Nancy whispered as she got me outside.  Ethan had to explain to everyone what was happening before he ran into my dad's truck.  Me, my dad, Olivia,Jade,  and Ethan all got into the truck and drove off. 

Nancy stayed behind to clean up and would be there soon.

It all seemed so soon. It seemed like yesterday I was standing in my bathroom crying on Jade and Olivia about being a teen mom. 

Now I'm going to the hospital to give birth to our twin girls.

Oh yeah this was real. I thought to myself as I felt another contraction rip through my body.  I squeezed Ethan's hand in response without thinking. 

He didn't seemed phased by the unexpected squeez.  I didn't think he would.  He can handle a lot of pain.  That I knew for sure.

But he has never felt pain quite like this.  Then another contraction ripped through me. 

I bit my tounge to keep from screaming but squeezed harder on his hand. 

The top of the hosptial was now visible to me. 

I wanted to smile but the pain was too much to do it.  The only real reason to smile was because I knew I'd see my girls soon.

Jessica Anne and Sophia Grace were on their way. 

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