Doctors Visit

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I woke up the next morning at about 7am. Tony was sound asleep next to me. He rolled over in the night and was on the other side of the bed. I slid out of bed and went into the bath room. As I pulled my hair back I suddenly had the urge to puke again. I fell to my knees in front of the toilet and puked up my dinner from the night before. Soon tony was in the bathroom holding my hair back.
"Baby are you okay?" He asked me.
"Oh I hope so." I muttered. I stood up and brushed my teeth.
"You should go to the doctor Bree. Two days in a row and you never puke." I shrugged.
"I'll call my doctor." I placed my hand on his bare chest. We heard a light knock.
"Come in Devin." I said. She came into the bathroom.
"I heard you throwing up are you alright mom?" She asked. I smiled.
"Yeah I'll be alright."
"Oh okay we'll I want to let you know that we don't have to go to LA. Anthony told me he thinks it's best if we go our own ways." She looked so sad. 

"I am sorry babe." he held me tightly.

"It's fine. I knew it was to good to be true." I pulled her into a hug.

"Hey you will find someone so much better than him." I hugged her head into my chest and her arms hugged my waist.

"Hopefully... Well I am going to go lay back down. I was wondering if  we could maybe if its okay with you go get some vinyl?" She seemed so awkward.

"Of course!" I looked at my phone it was 9:30. "How about this you go get ready and we can have a girls day? I might go to the doctors but she's down town so that won't be two long." I smile. "We can go get food too." At this point I was just holding her hand. I sneezed it and she laughed.

"Alright I'll go shower." She smiled. She turned and went to walk out, "Um mom?" she asked, I looked back up at her. "Could we do something with my hair... It doesn't have to be today but it's really dull now and..." 

"Of course no need to explain yourself." I laughed. "We can go to the salon." He smiled real big and she walked out.

I went into my room and picked up my cell phone. I scrolled through my contacts till I reached my doctors number. I hit call and put my phone to my ear. It buzzed a couple times than a women picked up.

"Hello, Dr. Green's women's heath office. How may I help you?" She said.

"Hello, my name is Brianna Fuentes and I would like to come in to see the doctor today if possible." I said.

"Ah yes hello Miss Fuentes we do have an opening at 10:30 if you can make it."

"I can."

"Awesome have your insurance card and photo id present and you'll be all set." She told me. We finished out with all the particulars and I sent Tony to Devin's room to tell her that we would be leaving soon. I quickly took a shower and got dressed. I only towel dried my hair and put it into a messy bun. I simply wore blue jeans and a dark grey v-neck. I wore my toms and wore the necklace Tony had gifted me. I applied simple eye make up and red lip stick. I grabbed my purse and keys.

"Hey let me know how everything goes at the doctor okay?" Tony says from the bed while I was applying my lipstick. He got out of bed and walked over to me.

"Of course baby." He gently kissed my lips with a smile. "Well we got to get going. I'll call you after." I walked out and knocked on Devin's door.

"Hey hon time to go." The door opened and she appeared wearing a very similar outfit except with black jeans and a red shirt.  We laughed and headed out to my car. We drove to my doctors office and got there just in time. Devin sat down on the chair while I checked in. I sat beside her.

"So what were you thinking about doing for breakfast?"

"Can we do ihop?" She asked. 

"Of course." I smiled and hugged her. Soon I was called back and we walked back. They took my vital and the nurse asked me what was going on.

"Well the past two mornings i've woken up with severe vomiting but it stops and I don't feel sick at all after." The nurse laughed.

"Whose this?" She pointed at Dev.

"My daughter."


"I adopted her."

"Alright well are you sexually active?" She asks.


"When was your last period?" 

"oh um..." I pulled out my phone to look at the calendar app that i have to tell me about my period. "I'm 2 weeks late... but my birth control was making my period really light and i was told that my period would probably not exist while on this."

"Well that might be the case but you are sexually active and condoms and birth control don't always work. One thing that is a plus about having our office is we are strictly women health and we have certain benefits and we can offer free ultrasounds so let me give you one and we can know for sure."  I looked over at Devin and she looked shocked.

"Um alright." I said. The nurse messed with a machine and turned on a tv.

"Lay back and lift up your shirt." I did as she said and she squirted a cold jelly substance on my stomach and moved the wand around. "Just as I thought... Look there." She pointed at the screen at a black speck. "You're about 4 weeks pregnant." I froze. Devin took my hand. It was silent in the room. She typed away at the computer. She then handed me two little pictures of my sonogram. She whipped off my stomach and we were able to go. I got in the car and I took a deep breath. 

"Hey are you alright mom?" I looked at her.

"I'm amazing actually. Ever since I was little I wanted kids and well we adopted you because we wanted kids. Both of us want kids." 

"I am so happy for you guys." She hugged me.

"Lets go get food." I said with a smile. 

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