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Briannas POV

I woke up with a pounding headache. Tony had his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I felt the feeling of puking, I quickly got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I puked up everything in my stomach.
"Here babe for the hang over." Tony handed me a bottle of pills and a water bottle.
"Thank you babe." I was sitting on the floor. Tony picked me up and laid me in the bed. I took the pill and laid back. Tony sat beside me and I rested my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and Tony wrapped his arms around me.
"Hey Tony are you coming to the music store. We have a signing." Vic said from out side our door. I sat up.
"Go babe." I muttered keeping my eyes closed.
"I wanna stay here with you." He said kissing my cheek. I sighed I was so tired I didnt have the energy to even decline. I crawled under the blankets and covered my head.
"Come in Vic." The door opened.
"Im not going to go Bree needs comforting." Tony said.
"We are doing a signing you have to go." Vic said.
"Bree needs me. Shes not feeling good."
"Shes hung over. Have Devin look after her." Vic snapped. I moved the blanket from my head.
"Im laying right here you ass. I dont want Devin watching me be hungover." I said. I grabbed Tonys shirt from beside the bed.
"Turn around." I said. Vic turned and I put the shirt on and stood up. I felt the urge to puke again. I ran to the bathroom and puked more. Vic was the first into the bathroom. Tony soon after.
"You okay Bree?" Vic asked.
"No i am not my stomach hurts like a bitch." I was holding my stomach. Tony picked me up again and laid me back in the bed.
"Alright just take care of my little sister." Vic said as he walked out.
"Ill make you some breakfast." Tony said kissing my forehead. He went to walk away.
"Wait!" I held his hand. "I love you babe." I smiled. He sat down beside me and held my hand close to his lip and kissed it.
"I love you to babe. So much." He smiled, "Im going to make you food now." He stood up and walked out,
"Hey mom Im going with Vic and the guys to the signing." Devin said from the door. I sat up.
"Alright have fun." I smiled.
"You okay?" She walked over.
"No feel like shit." I laugh,
"Oh well I hope you feel better," She hugged me.
"I will." I smiled. She walked out. With in 20 minutes Tony came back in with two plates of french toast and we ate in bed together. He turned on the tv and we watched Doctor Who together. I finished mine and got up.
"I got to shower. I feel gross." I said said as I returned from putting my plate in the kitchen. Tony followed me in.
He wrapped his arms around me.
"I can't wait till I can finally call you my wife." He whispered in my ear. I smiled. He had his hands rested on my stomach. I took my shirt off and dropped my panties. I turned on the water and tony and I got in and took a shower. Most of the time we were in there he was holding me. I kept noticing he would always hold my stomach. It made me think. Does he want kids? 
"Hey tony do you want a baby?" I asked him.
"Uh well yeah I do. I love having Devin but we should make one of our own." He smiled. He kissed my nose and then my lips. I smiled.
"You are the most perfect man ever." I said staring into his eyes. He ran his hands up and down my body making me get goose bumps. I traced a tattoo over his heart with my finger. When we finished we got out and got dressed.
"Want to go meet up with the guys?" I asked.
"Are you feeling okay to go out?" he asked
"Besides the hangover I fine." I put his sunglasses on.
"Alright. Call victor and tell him." Tony said as he went to get his shoes. I pulled out my phone and called Devin.
"Hey mom!" She said. She sounded so happy.
"So me and Tony are coming over to the signing so tell Vic." I said.
"Alright! it's so crazy here. People know who I am and it's crazy!" she laughed.
"That's how I felt the first signing I went to." I smiled.
"Eww some girl just tried to kiss Jaime!" She squealed.
"Oh gosh! Well got to get going tony is bitching I will see you soon!" I said.
"Alright. Hey mom I love you!" she said. I smiled.
"I love you too Devin." I hung up the phone and stood up. I put my flip flops on and headed out to tony in the kitchen.
"Ready?" he asked. I nodded and we headed out the door. We got into the car and drove down to the music store and wiggled our way to the front avoiding the crowd. We made our way to the table and Tony sat beside Vic. I went up beside mike and Vic and hugged them.
"Do I get a hug?" Jaime asked. I wet behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He laughed. I let go of him and Devin hugged me.
"Hey!" I laughed.
"Where is everyone?" I asked.
"We were taking a break. It's time to opened this chiz up!" mike said. Soon a bunch of kids came running in.

At the end of the day we went out to dinner. Jaime was carrying Devin on his back. Tony and I walked hand in hand into the restraunt. When we got to the table I sat with Dev and tony on either side of me. Tony was talking guy crap with Vic and I looked over at Devin and she looked sad. I put my arm around her.
"You okay Dev?" I asked. She shook her head no.
"Do you want to go outside and talk about it?" I asked. She nodded.
"Hey Tony babe can you let us out? Dev needs to talk to me." Tony moved out of the seat. Devin and I got out as well. Tony grabbed my arm.
"She okay?" he asked.
"I don't know. I will tell you when we get home." I said. He kissed me and Devin and I walked outside. We sat against a wall.
"Anthony hasn't texted or called me in almost 2 days. The last thing he told me was he loves LA. then nothing." He sulked.
"Juliet or Andy might have grounded him." I said.
"They don't believe in that." she muttered.
"Alright if he doesn't text you by tomorrow I will make Tone-tone take us to a LA." I smiled. She looked up at me and smiled.
"You are the best I am so glad you adopted me." she said hugging me. I kissed the top of her head.
"Lets go back inside before Jaime and Victor scare the waitress away with their gayness." Devin laughed. We stood up and walked back in. As we sat down the food came over. While everyone was chowing down.
"We might be driving to LA tomorrow." I said while buttering a roll.
"Alright." Tony said shoving pasta in his mouth.

Tony Devin and I went home at the end of the night while the guys went and partied. Devin went straight to her room while tony and I drank some wine. We went up to our room and watched Paranormal Activity. We were sitting were tony was sitting with his back to the head board and I was sitting between his legs and he had his arms wrapped around me. Every time I would jump his arms would hold me tighter so I felt more safe. He had his hands rested on my stomach. I turned and kissed his cheek. I moved so my head was on my pillow. Tony got up and turned off the light. He left the tv on. I pulled the blanket up over my shoulders and went to sleep. About 5 minutes into me asleep the main character chick screamed and woke me up. Tony laughed at me and I punched him in the chest and laughed. He laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and fell back asleep.

Hey guys sorry for such a long time between updates my school work has been crazy but summer will be around with in the 2 months so durning break I wil update as much as I can!
Well anyways can you guys leave me some feed back on this story and any of my other ones I would love to hear what you guys think!
well I love you guys :* 

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