Chapter one - blondies and cuties

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New school. New clothes. New house. New town. I'll try to not shit myself. I moved to New York from California. My brother Miles and I live here in this house with our German Shepards Valentine and Matrix. Our house is big but only 3 rooms. Miles is a doctor, he makes the money and cooks the food. If I cook the food I'll cook the house with it. I have my own job though I hate taking Miles money, so I work at Foot Locker in the mall. Miles thinks it's silly I say that shoes keep gas in my truck. And if I don't stop thinking I'll be late so I hop out of my bed and go to take a shower. I strip out of my clothes and turn the water on. I get in and wash my hair. I wash my body then rinse off, I dry my hair and wrap the towel around me. I go into my room and put on my dark blue skinny jeans and, a black tank top that says BAE in big white letters across the top. I go back to the bathroom to brush my brown and blondish hair then, put it in a pony tail. I skip down stairs look ing for the dogs. "Val, Matrix!" I yell shaking the food bowls with Iams dog food in it. They both run out of the guest room and down stairs. I set the water and food down they both eat happily and I pet them both Matrix keeps eating and Val stops to lick my hand. I walk to the kitchen to find Miles eating Pop Tarts. "Hey, you ready to go to school?" He asks with a small smile. "Yeah just need my phone, you seen it?" I look up at him. Miles is probably six ft. tall I'm five ft. six in. so he towers over me. "Yeah it's on the coffee table." He nods. "Thanks see you at seven, bye!" He yells a bye back I grab my phone, keys, and put on my black converse and I walked out the door. I see my black Ford and get in. I pull into the parking lot, kids scatter walking into the school. I get out lock the truck and start walking. It looks like a cliche high school. There's the emos on the wall looking gloomy, the jocks and populars walking in the door, a blonde in front and others following her, band people carrying instruments, and normal looking kids. I took a deep breath and walked in it seemed big there were lockers on the walls, classrooms, and kids I found my locker and got my schedule in the mail already. First was homeroom I walked in and it seemed like we could sit anywhere so I sat by the girl who was with the populars and I sat my stuff down. "Hi!" I heard beside me I turned to see the blonde grinning. "I'm Emily." She said. "Hi I'm Cat." I gave a small smile. She gasped and I thought her eyes would pop out of her head. "Cute name!" She squealed. Emily was better then perfection, her hair was in a tight pony tail, she was curvy but thin perfect toned skin. The first thing I thought was she'll probably be a great friend. Naaaaaah just kidding I could tell she was queen bee. "Thanks." Is all I said. "We should hang out could you meet me at my friend Matt's party" She smiled but I could tell it was fake. I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Can you excuse me for a minute" She nodded, I turned around I saw a guy he was handsome he had pale skin brown tousled hair he was tall a little more than me. "Don't believe her she's trying to prank you" He said smirking. "Oh I know she's a bitch" I whispered so she wouldn't here me. I turned back around. "No sorry I can't I have to work" I said, she looked fake disappointed and said "Oh that's to bad maybe next time she pouted. I turned forward relieved she didn't try to make me come and smiled until class was over. Huh, weird.
First chapter sort of long kind of boring, next chapter will be better.

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