Chapter 3 - Come on Get Your Shit Together

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Dark. Dark. Dark. Dammit where's the light. My eye came open slowly while the other one couldn't I saw Peter I felt really excited and jumpy so I screamed, "Peter!" He jumped and landed on the ceiling, I stared, he stared, I stared, he stared. All I could say was "Umm" I was not as hyper or loopy anymore this was real. "Um reflexes, sorry" He laughed nervously. I said, "mmhm that's good" I didn't know what to say what do you say, Oh wow that's amazing you could be the next Gabby Douglas. He seemed surprised with my answer can't really blame him I was surprised at my answer .I just asked why I was at the hospital and he said I wasn't the hospital. I was at the nurses in a private room, he said I was loopy from blacking out. I remember what happened Emily punched me in the face. The ugly bitch. Okay she was still gorgeous, but whatever. We were going to leave and we signed out, I was fine so we left. Emily came up to us ignoring me like nothing happened. "Hey Peter so sorry for trying to punch you." Hold up. I got punched not Peter. "Oh and you too Cat." I held my a hand to my heart and took a step back. She still smiled and looked at Peter then dropped her purse. Dropped it. Dropped. Like out of no where. We stared at it for like ten seconds and she hesitantly picked it up. She started looking for something and some stuff fell out. "Come on get your shit together." I muttered. Peter must have caught it because he chuckled. She smiled and walked away glaring at me. The day dragged on. One thing went through my mind. Peter on the ceiling. That's crazy and I'm going to figure it out. Crazy. Crazy Awesome.
Not totally good but I'm not perfect. By the way I update every week. Or more depends. Well thanks comment, vote, and eat marshmallows. Stay beautiful.

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