Part 1 • It all began in Paris •

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~ May Rita Evans ~

"Bye mom, bye dad! I'm gonna miss you so much!" I yell for the last time. They can't even hear it anymore. I'm on my way to the plane, because I'm finally leaving home for my trip around the world with my best friend Janice. "I'm so excited for Paris!" Janice says. I am too, but leaving home is also quite hard for me. I'm very close with my sister Emily and I'm gonna miss her so bad. "Oh look Janice! Our flight is ready for boarding!" I say to her, and she just smiles at me, like she does all the time. This is her first time in a plane, and she is so excited. We are going to Paris at first, not too far from home, because we live in Cambridge normally.

Janice has widen eyes and just stares around the whole plane, I was prepared for a lot, but this is just to funny. I burst out in laughter and she gives me a glare, which makes me laugh even more. "You were staring, and you looked so funny" I try to say while laughing, but I don't think she understands me, because she gives me a wondering look. "Sorry, that was just so funny" I say, without laughing this time. She starts to laugh as well, and we can't stop. Suddenly we hear a voice, "Take your seats, plane is leaving in 10 minutes". I take a look at my ticket for the places. "Janice, row 4, seat 3 and 4!" I tell her. We drop our jackets above our seats, and turn on the little screen in front of us. I put my ear pods in my iPod and give one of them to Janice, we always share our ear pods because we like the same music.

Once we are up in the sky, our 5SOS playlist is in our ears and we're totally relaxed. Janice is telling me an embarrassing story about her ex-boyfriend, and it makes me laugh. "Please stop jan! My stomach hurts so bad!" I say while laughing, and that causes her to laugh as well. That's what makes us best friends, we can laugh, we can cry, but we always make up and we are happy to have each other. I make fun of her sometimes, but not in the mean way. "May!" I suddenly hear, and I realize that I was gone for a second. "Yeah, sorry, what did you say?" I say to Janice. "I didn't say anything, she called your name" she says, and she points to the other side of the plane. I see her, "Nicky!" I say loud. "Nicky is my cousin, she lives in Paris and she was in Cambridge for my aunt's birthday surprise party I told you about, remember?" I explain to Janice. "Oh yeah, you two are actually look-a-likes May!" she says. "Our mothers are twins, that explains this" I laugh. "Nicky! Meeting at the airport in Paris? I can't come over now, but you understand right?" I tell Nicky. "Is okay, can we meet at the coffee corner?" She says back, and I just reply with a simple "Okay!"

I was already excited to go to Paris, but now I know that I'm going to meet my favorite cousin Nicky there, I'm even more excited. "Stop moving! You are so annoying!" Janice tells me with an annoyed face. It causes me to laugh, her feelings can change in one second. At one moment she is all excited and happy, and the other moment she is annoyed and then gives me glares instead of smiles. "Pling, plong, travellers from Cambridge to Paris, take your bagage and leave the boarding space as soon as possible, thank you for listening, pling, plong" we suddenly hear. "That's us!" Janice yells. You see? She's happy again.

A few minutes later, we are waiting in the coffee corner for Nicky, with a cappucino. "May!" I hear behind me, and I immediately stand up. I hug Nicky for like minutes, and Janice just stands there, waiting to say hey. When we pull back, Nicky walks to Janice and says with a smile "Hey, I'm Nicky, the daughter of the sister of May's mother, but you can just call me Nicky". Janice laughs, she is already relaxed, which is quite nice because she will see Nicky a whole lot more in the next 3 months. "You want a drink Nicky?" I ask her. "Yes please, can I have an ice coffee?" "Of course Madame Daniels" I laugh at her. "We used to call eachother Madame Daniels and Madame Evans when we were younger" I explain to Janice, and she laughs. When we are done at the coffeecorner, i ask: "Nicky, can we sleep over at your house tonight? Otherwise we need to go to an hotel.". "Of course, come on let's go." She says

• And that's where it all began, in Paris. •

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