Part 2: NYC I'm on my way!

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Part 2 : NYC, I'm on my way!

~ May Rita Evans ~

"Wow, this is soooo beautiful!" Janice says with an astonished look on her face, and my reaction is just the same. "Ah thanks! I did my best to make it beautiful, I always dreamed of my own home and this is really how I wanted it to be" Nicky says, but Janice is already gone. "She is just so excited for this all" I excuse her, but I know that Nicky doesn't care, she has the same character. "I don't know what you two want to do, but I'm heading to bed. It's already 23:00, goodnight!" I hear Nicky say, "Night Nicky!" Janice yells out of another room. "Your decoration changed, but the sleepover room did stay the sameright?" I ask, "Yeah, you know where you belong May, goodnight!" Nicky says, "Night Madame Daniels" I say.


"Jan" I yell, "Jan!" I yell, a little bit louder now, and she finally wakes up. "Relax, whats the matter?" She asks. "Breakfast in 10 minutes, after that, we are going to shop in Paris!" I yell excited. Janice is immediately awake, i think because of the shopping thing.

~ Janice Eva Mitchell ~

"Here we are, shopping in Paris with music of the Script in our ears, what a dream" I sigh. " I totally agree with ya, and I don't know any other person to do this with, I love having you as my best friend Jen" May says with a smile. Now I'm smiling too, do you know those insta posts about best friends? They are always true for me and May. "In the end, I always have your back, May" I say. "I know, I love you" she replies. This is the end of this very cute conversation. "Remember the bucketlist?" May suddenly asks. "yeah I do, why?" I reply with a surprised face. "Because we just did one thing of it, the 'fall asleep in Paris' thing" she says, and I just smile. (A/N the photo is the bucketlist) "We could finish it on this trip, maybe, if we do our best" i say. 'THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME BUDDY" she suddenly says, almost screams, and I burst out in laugther, "yeah it 'is, it really is" i tell her, and inside I'm dying from smiling

I'm exhausted, but it was all worth it. Back in Nicky's house with 7 bags, full of clothes, I only want to eat, and sleep. I'm thinking what we are doing next, we are already here for 2 days, maybe we are bothering Nicky. We have to go, with the bucketlist in the back of my head, I'm already planning where we are heading next. New York seems pretty cool, hugging penguins seems also pretty cool, we also seem pretty cool, perfect. "May! Let's go to New York.", I scream trough the house. No answer, I guess she is already asleep, tomorrow morning is perfect.

'Goodmorning, wake up from your way to long little beauty sleep" I hear someone say far away. "JANICE WAKE UP, GOD" I hear a little closer. It causes me to laugh. May knows me for so long, she knows that I don't really wake up if you don't scream, so she always screams me awake.  I wake up and ten minutes later I'm at the breakfast table, with a croissant and a cup of tea. "So, May, what do you think of going to New York" I say, while looking at her. "Sounds good" she just says. "sounds good? Nothing more?" I say surprised. "SOUNDS AMAZING GIRL, LET'S GO" she now almost screams, we both burst out in laughter. Me because that came unexpected, she because my face was apparently 'so funny', her words.

"Bye Nick! I'm gonna miss you like hell!" May says, "Gonna miss you too May, I'll come over once, bye" Nicky says. I guess it's now my turn to talk. "Bye Nicky, I'll see you around then?" I say, and she replies with an, "Off course, Jen. I can't miss you two for too long!" That causes us three to laugh. "Plane to New York City is ready for boarding" we hear. "It's time to say goodbye" I sing, and Nicky giggles. "This is it girls, have fun there! Hope you'll meet amazing persons and be careful!" Nicky says, and we hug her. We walk to the douane, and half an hour later we are in our plane. "Take seats, seatbelts on, let's go!" May says excited.

• That's it, NYC I'm on my way  •



I'm Milou by the way, I live in the Netherlands and this is my first book.

My favorite of 5SOS is Calpal, and if you want to know anything about me or the story, just ask in the comments.

Lots of love,


(wow how official does that look hahahahahha)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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