Marry Me

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Stiles laughed as Derek pulled him up the stairs, to the roof of their loft building. 

"Derek what are we doing?" 

"Just come on." Stiles laughed, jumping onto Derek's back. 

"I'm not walking up these stairs if I don't know what for, mister." Derek smiled, pushing Stiles higher onto his back so he wouldn't fall. 

"Fine, as long as we make it up there." Stiles smiled, kissing Derek's neck. 

"Close your eyes." Stiles tilted his head in confusion. 


"Oh my god, can you just trust me please?" 

"I trust you with my life." Derek smiled. 

"Then close your eyes." Stiles did, burying his face in Derek's shoulder. He could hear Derek open the door that lead to the roof, & feel the night air hit them. 

"Okay, open them." 

Stiles lifted his head up, his mouth falling open. He slid off Derek's back, walking forward a little more. There were paper lanterns hung from one end of the roof to the other & a mattress with blankets & pillows set up in the middle. In front of the mattress was a white sheet, hung up to look like a screen, with a projector in front of it. 

Stiles stared for a good minute, before turning back to Derek. He jumped on Derek, kissing him. 

"I love you." Derek smiled, kissing him again. 

"I love you too." Derek carried Stiles over to the mattress, laying down next to him. 

"So what are we watching?" 

"Star Wars."

 "You hate the Star Wars movies." 

"But you don't." Stiles smiled, snuggling into Derek's side. Derek grabbed the popcorn & soda he had stashed by the mattress & placed them by Stiles. 

"You're the most amazing person." Derek smiled, kissing Stiles' head. 

"Watch the movie."

* * * * * * * *

Stiles groaned as Derek pulled him to the computer desk, sitting him in the chair. 

"Derek, it's like three in the morning. What are we doing?" 

"Look up our address on Google maps." 

"What? Why, Derek?" 

"You said last week that you trust me with your life, so trust me with this." Stiles sighed, typing the loft's address into the search bar. 

"Okay, now what?" 

"Zoom in to see our building." 

Stiles did, trying not to fall asleep. He squinted when he saw the picture that showed up. It was from the night last week, when Derek set the movie up on the roof. But the paper lanterns that Derek had hung up, twisted together to spell something. 

Stiles zoomed in again, trying to get a better look. He nearly died when he saw what is said. The words 'Marry Me' were spelled out. Stiles turned to Derek, gaping. 

"Are you serious?" 

"I think this is the most serious I've ever been in my whole life." Stiles stared for another second, before catching Derek's lips with his. 

"Yes." Derek smiled, deepening the kiss. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too." 

"How did you even do that?" Derek chuckled. 

"I found out when the satellites were going by & set it up." Stiles smiled, kissing him again. 

"You are the biggest romantic & you're all mine. Forever." 


Marry MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz