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Her breath came out heavy and white as she raced away from the clutches of her pursuers. Her bare feet hitting the lightly leaf covered ground soundlessly. She could smell the sweat coming off of her, and feel her chasers breath on the back of her neck, making her push on faster.

A smirk danced on her lips as she laughed quietly to herself when one of them got lucky enough to graze her blonde hair. They were persistent, she would give them that much.

'Let them try and catch me' she thought to herself, knowing that they couldn't. She had a lot of practice running for her life, and she was fast.

She heard the sound of a twig snapping to the right and shifted her direction a little more to the left. If she just got over their territory line, then she was home free.

'Well it was fun while it lasted.' The thought floated it way through her mind.

Seeing a fallen tree that was on her path she put on a bust of speed and went flying over it. Hitting the ground as lightly as if she were kissing a small child on the forehead.

She heard her pursuers stop. 'Huh must be the end of their territory.' She laughed out loud this time, it sounded ugly and harsh as if she weren't cable of feeling emotions. If only that were the case. She came to a stop. Turning around she got a good look at the people who were chasing her.

Well, they weren't really people at the moment. They growled at her, as she raked her eyes over them. Not bothering to be discreet. There were 3 wolves in front of her, she knew that anyone else-werewolf or not - would be shaking in fear, due to their rather large bodies. But she wasn't remotely afraid, she had seen much scary things in her short 17 years of life.

"Well that was fun" she said to the group quoting her earlier thoughts. With a chilling smile on her face she ran a hand through her tangled hair. She always loved this part. After they didn't catch her, she got to see them eat their pride, and watch as they grew more and more frustrated. Or maybe she liked it so much because at one point in time she had always been caught and that had never ended well with her.

Shaking her head to get the thoughts out, she focused on the three men in front of her. She hadn't meant for them to know she was there. She had been moving silently through their territory, paying more attention to a deer that she was considering eating when the deer swung it's head and raced towards her and away from the 3 wolves hunting it. She had been so stupid to let herself get distracted.

The biggest wolf of the three took a step forward, his black paws not making a sound on the leaf littered ground. He was handsome with his shimmering midnight black hair and eyes the colour of the ocean.She tilted her head and look at him sideways with her sparkling golden brown eyes.

She still wore her smile when he took yet another step towards her and growled. His ocean blue eyes taking on a dangerous hue when she laughed and spoke with a smirk in her voice "Come and get me, if you can darling" she taunted.

He stood for a moment before he leaped at her, she was completely still, looking him right in the eye. But at the last moment she moved skillfully to the side as he crashed into the dirt. Now standing a couple of feet from him she watched as he picked himself up and swung around and growled deep in his throat.

"Nice try darling, really, but it's going to take a lot more then that to get me." She grinned as she run around him, at a startling fast speed and into the dark starless night.


Once she was sure they were no longer following her, she backtracked a bit until she saw a suitable climbing tree about a mile or so in their territory.

Grabbing the first branch she hoisted herself up and climbed the tree almost to the top. Peering out of the branches, she could see their pack house. It was of fair size considering that it held the packs unmated members, the alpha, beta and their families.

Moving back down a few branches, she stayed near the trunk so she wouldn't break a branch and fall to the ground. She did not move her position or even close her eyes. The only thing that could be seen were her piercing golden eyes that shone like stars as she kept watch for pack members that may come near her.

This pack was not the only thing she was looking out for. There were rumors going around that there were hunter sightings,and she went wherever they were.

She had been hunting the hunters for 2 years now and she was always late, always one step behind them, always the one to find the bones and burning houses.

Oh, but when she would finally find them, she was going to make them pay. To finally have justice over the innocent lives they killed just because they were werewolves.

Her kind and the hunters have always been interlocked. Werewolves were first born into this world by the moon goddess Luna, she had fallen in love with a simple woodsman named Henry. The village men had their children keep Luna occupied as they went into the woods to find Henry. Fueled by jealousy when they found out that a goddess had fallen in love with him and not one of them, they snuck up behind him and started to beat him.

The goddess missing her human lover bid the children goodbye and went to find her woodsman. She had just walked into the woods when she heard screaming and ran to help. She stumbled upon the village men beating Henry. Filled with panic at the thought of losing him, Luna turned him into a wolf, an animal sacred to her, so that he could protect himself.

When he began to change the village men became scared, they tried to kill him in the middle of his transformation. In their terror they noticed the goddess and tried to kill her as well. Henry, fully turned now, attacked when he saw that the goddess in trouble. He reacted on a wolf instinct and killed the men.

Only one survived. A bitter man that hid in the bodies. When he was sure the Goddess and Henry were gone he returned to the village, and told his tale. The young boys that heard of their fathers death, joined him in a hunt to kill the creature. Thus starting the first hunters.

Over the years the hunters have made a treaty with werewolves. They will not kill any werewolf that lives in a pack. But any rogue wolf they find is theirs to kill.

The werewolves agreed because the rogues were also a problem for them too. Rogue wolves were vicious monsters, the ones from all the books and movies, they have let their animal side take over and barely resemble humans.They kill anyone and anything.

But they have broken that agreement and shes the only one who knows it. She's seen them kill packs. Seen the damage that they have inflicted on her kind, Shes seen them make it look like werewolves have done it. She knows because they have pinned it all on her.

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