Chapter 3

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"Hey where did Sonic go?"

Narrative POV
"Oh God no..."

Chica started to panic and began ranting, "He could be anywhere! What are we going to do? If we don't get him back he is going to flip! He is the youngest, and it's getting late, we should've kept an eye on him!", she took a few breaths and continued on saying, "Oh man, this wouldn't had happened if it weren't for you!", she points at Foxy in an accusive manner. Foxy just stares, as the rest of the gang listenes to the rest of Chica's rant, "You're always so inconsiderate you know? Always defensive and rude towards others who are just trying to help you. You always think about yourself and never pay attention to what the people around you feel. Sonic tries so hard to be on your good side but that's not enough for you. You are so selfish, I can't believe Sonic even have those feelings for you,you don't deserve him." As Chica finished her argument, the place fell silent. All eyes where on Foxy, who just had a distant look in his eyes.

Foxy POV
'Everything she said is right, I don't deserve him, but she doesn't understand, how can she? I can't tell her, I can't tell anyone, for their sake.' As Foxy snaps out of his trance, Bonnie questions, "Uh guys? Shouldn't we be out there, you know, looking for him?" "Bonnie is right.", Freddy replies. "Wait, you agree with me? Wow thats a first." "Don't get cocky, this only for Sonic's sake. Come on Chica, we'll split up to cover more ground." Chica nodded, and then looked at me and asked, "Are you going to look for him?" I nod, and replies, "Of course, it's the least I can do." "Of course it is.", Chica retorts.

Sonic POV
I run until I find myself in the middle of a forest. I come to a stop and lie down near a tree. I look up and see the sun setting. "It's going to get dark soon", I thought out loud. 'Why do I even try? What's the point? I can't go on like this, this isn't life.' More thoughts race through my mind as the day turns to night. 'I've been here for a couple of hours, I should head back but, where do I go? It's so dark, and I don't know the way back.' "Why am I such an idiot?" "On the contrary, I think you are much more than just some idiot my dear." "Who said that...?"

Foxy POV
"Sonic where are you? Please come out!" 'It's no use. I've been looking around for hours, and there is still no sign of him.' "Sonic I'm sorry! Now please come out so we can talk about this!" I walk until I find myself near a lake and decide to lie down to rest and get my emotions sorted out. 'What will I say when I see him again? How will he react? Will he start hating me? Heh, I wouldn't blame him, but why am I affected by this anyway? This is the plan, just stick to it and everyone will be safe. I hope I find him soon...'

Sonic POV

My heart beats rising, I'm alone in the middle of a forest at night and have a stranger breathing on my shoulder. I try my hardest to figure out who this person is but can't really tell by the low light. So I try to remember by the sound of his voice but it doesn't ring a bell. So I desperately ask, "Who are you and what do you want?" He simply replies, "Oh Sonic, I just want to help a friend in need, that's all." I just stand there and try to understand what's going on. 'A friend? Where does he know me from? How does he know my name?' I bet you're confused, aren't you little hedgie? Well let me show you paths crossed." And with that I felt a surge of energy run through my veins as a blast was heard, I cover my ears and refuse to open them until the same mysterious voice says, "No need to worry I am here for you.", and with that I open my eyes and stare.

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