Chapter Eighteen

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When I woke up the next day, they led me to a room to get a shower and get dressed. Then, they offered my some food. I passed, saying I was feeling nauseous. Today I was going to start experimenting. I wasn't too thrilled and I was worried about what was going to happen...

At the moment I sat in an empty room, or we'll technically a cell when the door opened. And in came Nathaniel. I stood up and looked at him.

"They're ready for you." He said and I sighed. I walked over to him and he led me out of the room. As we walked I decided to talk.

"Do you not...Remember me at all?" I asked as I watched him for any signs of remembrance.

He shrugged. "You seem familiar but...No. I don't think so." He replied and just that simple answer gave me a small glimpse of hope and a little faith to get through the day. It might not be enough...But still.
Once I had entered the room, Nathaniel disappeared and I was left with two doctors. Annnddd Jensen.

I waited as they strapped me to the chair thingy. After a moment I spoke.

"Well if it isn't jack ass Jensen. Here to watch then torture me? Or are you just here to support me?" I asked and he just circled the experimentation chair.

"Just here to watch...And supervise." He says as he walks over to the side of the room. I closed my eyes a moment as I breathed in and out. It'll be okay...Everything will be okay...

Suddenly I felt an injection in my arm. It stung but it didn't hurt.

Then I opened my eyes and watched as they continued to prepare other things. I bit my lip as I squirmed a little. Next they leaned the chair back a little and the doctor leaned over me.

"This'll only hurt... alot..." he said smirking as he jabbed another needle in my arm. Now that hurt. Then another in my other arm. It's almost as if I could feel that stuff flowing through my veins.

I looked down at me arms and...Woah. Is it normal for them to start glowing orange. Yeah, I had the ability to control fire but this...Was weird. Then it all just disappeared. Except for the fact that my skin was BURNING PAINFULLY.
It was only getting worse. The more I struggled the worse it hurt. Suddenly Jensen got up and came over. The doctors stopped and stood back. Then he grabbed a knife and I watched him. He poked my arm with it before swiping it across my stomach which resulted in a large and jagged gash across it.

I cried out in pain, and anger. Then I looked down. It started healing, only leaving a nasty scar. Guess that's what that shit did. I started breathing heavy as I looked at him. He set the knife down and returned to his previous spot.

"Run some more tests." He simply stated and the doctors came back over, grabbing some more needles. Things only got worse from here...I went unconscious after a while...
******************************** I woke up lying on a very uncomfortable cot. After a moment I was hit with an awful pain. Not just in one place, all over. I winced as I sat up and rubbed my head. Which hurt ofcourse. I lifted my shirt to see the scar still there. I looked at my arms and there was no trace of any needle wounds. I sighed and noticed...Nathaniel sitting next to me. I gasped and he brought his finger to his lips. I nodded and swung my feet over the bed. I bit my lip a little as I looked at him.

I raised an eyebrow and he just watched me with a sad look in his eyes. But...Did he remember me now? He stood up and so did I. I stumbled and he caught me. I just held onto him as he sat me back down.

"This makes me angry." He said as he sat next to me on the bed.

"What does?" I asked softly while watching him.

"This. You. What they did to you. They gave you more powers and..." he cut off and groaned angrily as he stood.

"What kind of powers?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He turned and looked at me.

"Healing powers. Faster reflexes. Telekinesis. The ability to read other people's minds...I think that's all." He said looking at his watch. "I have to go. I'm sorry." And that was the last thing he said before walking out. I sighed and laid back down on the bed. I hope I get rescued soon... I curled up, painfully, on the bed as I tried to go to sleep again...I tried to stay hopeful that they would find me but...For now it was up to me to get out. And I would try one way or another.

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