The soon to come fair

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After what felt like hours of laying on my bed studying my feet there was a knock on my door .I hesitantly opened it expecting the asshole butler to tell me tea was ready instead I was greeted by Molly and jade . "I can't believe we are here cordie ,maybe wishes do come true !" Jade said ,wiping away an imaginary tear and pulling me into a hug where we pretended to cry with joy . "Sorry to break up such a wonderful thing you have there but where exactly are we ?"molly said using her hand to emphasise.Mine and jades mouthes hung open in disbelief . "How can you not know you evil child ,we are in BLACK BUTLER!!!!!"yelled jade turning red in the face . "Oohhh...that anime thing that you and cordie always argue about as cordie likes finny,alois and ciel and you like alois and ceil so you argue all the time about who gets who... WAIT WE ARE IN AN ANIME !!! HOW!!!"molly shouted ,pacing around the room pulling her hair. "How am I supposed to know ,I'm as confused as you "i say pushing her down to the soft mattress .See I can be responsible . "Do you think that Alois is really kinky ?" I say playing with my brown hair as jade and Molly gawped at me .                    #fail.                                                 "What?"I asked. "Can you not be normal for 5 minutes?"jade quizzes while sighs at me . "Well yes but what fun would that be ?"i say in a funny voice."jade...if you ever talk back to me I will officially beat you with a small child ".jade and Molly smirked and after we were all rolling on the ground laughing our asses off. "Right we should get changed"molly pants through breaths .A beautiful woman with light ,long lilac hair walked into my of her eyes covered with a bandage while the other was a crystal blue.Some of her long hair was in her right eye ,turning into a plait and ending at her knees.                           "Hello I am here to assist you into your dresses ,my master wishes to see you "she whispers looking down at the ground.                                                             "Why thank you miss..."i say waiting for her response even though I knew her name .                                       "Hannah"she claimed .                       "You are  beautiful"i pronounce staring at her with longing eyes.                               "Thank you lady Cordelia but I do not deserve your compliments ,I am simply a maid ,any way would you like me to help you three get ready ?"                           "Sounds great thank you "Molly says with a sad smile on her face .                       ***************************.           After 30 minutes of hair ,dresses  ,make-up and my worst night mare the CORSET ,We  awkwardly walk down the large stair case due to the fact that we can't breath .Claude meets us at the end of the stairs and leads us the the dining room where Alois sits at the end of the table .Molly sits to the left of Alois ,next to her is jade and I sit to the right .             "So how do you like it at my mansion ?"Alois quizzes us.                          "It is wonderful,so big and luxurious "jade answers .                                                Jade PoV                                                          "Well I'm glad you like it "he said wearing a smug smirk .Claude busted into the room with a food cart . He handed Alois his food then Molly's , mine and last cordelias .                               "Your highness today for dinner we have smoked salmon ,drizzled with lemon with salad ".                                          "I can't eat this I would just feel really bad "I think leaving the fish and eating the salad .                                                         "Is something the matter lady jade ?"Alois asked curiosity crossing his face .                                                           "No it's just ,fish are friends not food and it's hard to think that I could be eating nemo , dory or marlin "I say as cordie and Molly snigger at me.                  "Oh ... "Alois said his smile turning into a frown as he steps up from the table and bangs his fist on the wooden table  making us jump a bit "Is it not good enough for you ?do you not like it ? Well tough ,you live under my house so my rules ,got it !" He snared walking over to me and raising his hand but before he could do anything Cordelia shouted "I swear to god if you so much as lay a finger on her I will skin you alive and were you as a cloak like scar on Hercules (I think I got that right oops !! )" Alois turned around and smiled like nothing had happened .                                                         "We should go shopping , Claude get the carriage ready we are all going shopping "he happily chirped clapping his hands .We all slumped into the carriage , Molly and me on one side and Cordelia on the other with Alois as she didn't want either of us next to him .We sat in silence until Claude opened the carriage door and held out his hand ,both me and cordie ignored his existence and jumped down our selfs .Once Alois stepped out I saw a sign with undertaker written on it and gasped , Cordelia heard me and turned around , her eyes light up undertaker was cordies second favourite grim reaper ,after grell that  is .                             "So ladies what are you going to were to the winter fair (I can't remember what it is called) "mines and cordies eyes sparkled we have always wanted to go to a fair .Im still angry at Alois for what he nearly done but we could help but hug him .                                                   *************************************Cordelia PoV.                                       After hours of shopping we all found dresses I chose a blood red dress with black ruffles .We didn't show each other dresses at we wanted it to be a surprise .we arrived at the manor ,carried our bags up to our rooms and went  in our different directions .Once in my room I flopped on my bed . I literally shopped till I dropped . After minutes of my head hitting my pillow I fell asleep ,waiting for the fair tomorrow .

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