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I am literally so done with trying to make people understand what cultural appropriation is, and what white supremacy is.

This dumb as hell #whitegirlsdoitbetter must've been created by some random girl who was part of the people that wanted the confederate flag to stay up, because obviously it was created by someone who can't jump into the 21st century and the empowerment of ALL women.

#blackout is a beautiful hashtag that was created to celebrate the beauty of being black and to be proud and how we should embrace ourselves, we aren't showing any form of Supremacy as the other tag shows.

One can't just go and appropriate ones culture, I.e Kylie Jenner with those cornrows you can't just go and wear cornrows for the hell of it or because it's your "aesthetic" cornrows were used as a form of maintenance to black hair, it was styled differently as to be a symbol/marking of which tribe you belonged to, but to also give it a style it was to keep it clean and orderly, it is a whole history dating back to my ancestors it is part OF MY CULTURE.

You don't wear bindis for the hell of it, because it is part of ANOTHER CULTURE. Appropriating is offensive as it takes ones background and shits on it saying any person can go and do it for any random purpose, not even recognizing the history.

Same with Rachel Dolezol, going around claiming the black race to be hers, when I come into this world I am black just as I am when I leave, I don't have a return slip going and stating that I can just stop being black for a day and go and enjoy the perks of white supremacy in America, especially when things get bad.

I support all black causes because I am proud to be black and totally aware that if I don't support it I am pushing back my race in a movement. Because I feel that we are pretty powerful as a generation of young black women and men.

I've stopped talking and started ignoring people that are biracial, blasian, black and Hispanic, etc not because they are mixed but because They want to aspects of being black like saying "nigga" or whatever but not fucking with the black movements or ignoring that half and not taking pride in that half of them that is black.

Or publicizing Eurocentric features on black women claiming that as beauty but someone with gorgeous dark skin or they have 4c fro or have short hair they aren't acknowledged and praised like the girls on social media are.

All in all , what I'm trying to say is don't Take what isn't fucking yours, it's not fair to take the beautiful things of another's culture but not even support it. Support your black empowerment movements. Plus be hella proud of your background.


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