Chapter 2 Elias

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Elias Maverick

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It was her eyes. I remembered them from somewhere. I had stared into them, wanting to fall in love with girl behind them. Josephine. I didn't remember her name. She looked even more beautiful now with her face cleaned and free from the dirt and grime that was layering it when I first saw her this morning. I was so glad that I was late for work now because I wouldn't have taken the short cut and I wouldn't have seen Josephine. She looked out of the window of the cab with the curiosity of a child. I stared at her long hair that ended at her waist. It was jet black and matched perfectly with her bronze skin and emerald eyes. She turned around to look at me and smiled. My knees turned to jelly. It was going to take every ounce of my self control to keep her in the same house as me without mauling her. Why did I do this again?
"Thank you," she said for the millionth time. I got that she was grateful but saying thank you this many times?
"I've already said, Smara, don't say thank you." She cocked her head.
"My name is Josephine not Smara." She said, a little of her Spanish accent shining through. Her accent also triggered my memories of the girl. I finally remembered where I met her. I nodded at her.
"I'm calling you Smara because of your eyes. Smaragdus means emerald in Latin. Smara." I touched her hair and whispered,
"My Smara," caught in the moment, I leaned into her and tried to bury my nose into her beautiful, long neck. She put a hand on my chest, looking confused. Damn. I knew this would be a problem.
"What are you doing? I'm not a prostitute if that was what you were hoping for." She tried to stop the cab but I stopped her first.
"No, Smara, I know. You are an independent woman and I would never stoop to doing something so low. Plus, women chase after me on their own accord." I smirked but she gave me a look that made me shut up right there.
"Please do not call me Smara. It is not my name and I do not like being treated this way my shabby men." My eyes widened at her statement.
"Me? Elias Maverick? Shabby?" I laughed, "shabby, SMARA, is not a word used to describe me. Rich, yes. Successful, all the time. Sexy? Oh, too many times to even keep a count." She huffed and turned the other way evidently irritated with our conversation. I was probably being a little to arrogant. It was my nature after all. I sighed and turned her around again.
"Josephine," she looked at me shyly. Those eyes, I could stare into them all day. "I'm sorry. I just... I don't know what to do. I am incredibly arrogant by nature and I'm not trying to offend you. Please don't think that way. I want us to be friends," maybe more. I thought to myself. She nodded.
"My father was the same way," she said. Sadness flitted in her eyes and I wanted to punch the person who made her feel that way. I put my fingers under her chin and lifted her face up.
"You're safe now, Smara. Don't worry about anything. I'm here for you whenever you need me, just call my name." She gave me a grateful smile and nodded. God, I loved her neck. We finally pulled over in front of my building and I payed the driver. Josephine took a peek at my wallet, her eyes widening at the sight of the many hundreds I held in it. I laughed and led her inside. I looked up at the familiar crystal chandeliers and said hello to all of the doormen. This was my home. I thought that Josephine, Smara, would be surprised by the wealth around her but instead she walked through with immense purpose, greeting all she met. I stared at her in awe. She looked like a damn princess. The most beautiful princess I had ever laid eyes on. I stood in the elevator with her and smirked.
"Were you a princess or something," something flickered in her eyes before I could catch it. She looked down, face serious. I lifted her chin.
"Did I offend you, Smara?" She shook her head slowly, but I didn't believer her. The elevator doors opened up directly into my penthouse. She gasped. I looked around at the all glass walls and sleek, white furniture. She dragged her fingers across my black piano that I just had there for decoration.
"Do you play?" I asked, stepping up behind her. A small smile formed on her face and she nodded.
"Can I hear you?" She looked at me with those emerald eyes and they shone with excitement. I grinned at her as I told her to sit down. Her delicate fingers hit the keys, forming a slow, beautiful melody. She swayed to her music with her eyes closed. She looked so peaceful and happy and I knew I would never get rid of this piano. Ever. I smiled down at her when she stopped playing. Her face flushed and I almost kissed her but I remembered the events in the car.
"Smara. I want you to know that I didn't bring you here to force you to do anything you don't want to do." She stood up gracefully and pressed herself against me. Her body drove me insane and I had to hold in my breath. Her hand grazed my chest and my vision swam.
"Then what am I here for, Elias?" She stood on her toes and whispered in my ear. I had to bite back a groan. She smiled and laughed. It was a sweet sound that I wanted to hear
forever. I slightly pushed her away, though I regretted it.
"I told you, Smara. I wanted to help you."
"Why?" I decided to tell her the truth.
"You remind me of someone." Suddenly, I couldn't look into her bright green eyes. She scrunched her delicate eyebrows.
"I don't know," I said, my voice a barely audible whisper. She stepped away and I cursed myself for saying something so stupid.
"I- I just remembered. I have to..." Just then her stomach growled. "Eat!" I sighed and lead her to the kitchen.
"My maid isn't here today so I guess I can make you something. A sandwich?" She nodded her head vigorously. I made her my mother's special grilled chicken sandwiches and she inhaled them.
"Oh my god, this is so good! Where did you learn to cook?" I shrugged.
"This is my mother's recipe. I've had it since I was a kid." She smiled up at me but it dropped immediately.
"Elias, I'm sorry if I hurt you. I just don't know who I remind you of because I don't think I've met you before. I really do apol-"
"Are you from Mexico Josephine?" Her eyes widened and she nodded.
"Were you at Baroness Camila Azarola's ball about two years ago?" She nodded again. I almost felt like crying.
"Were you wearing a dark,
Wine red gown with a mask trimmed with black lace and feathers?" Tears spilled from her eyes. She nodded again. "Don't you remember me, Smara?" She nodded her head, her eyes glassing over with the memory.
"Louis Francesco del Casoriño the third," I nodded, laughing at my pseudonym. "Elias?" She whispered. "You?" She let out a giggle and we both fell on the flooring laughing ourselves giddy over our past.

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