An Unexpected Proposition Part 1

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 Aimee put her headphones on and hit play on her IPod. She turned the volume up to drown out any other noise. She really didn't mind covering shifts, it was extra money and

she didn't have anyone to go home to. Normally, Aimee was an accountant in the store but every once in a while she would accept other shifts and jobs. Tonight she was

stocking freight and watching the cash register. She was the only one in the store.....customers rarely came in late at night and when her favorite song came on she started

singing along loudly.

"A penny for your thoughts but a dollar for your insight"

"Or a fortune for your Disaster"

"I'm just a painter and I'm drawing a blank"

"Excuse me miss?"

"We only want to sing you to sleep"

"In your bedroom speakers, woah"


"Trick, just tap her on the shoulder, she is obviously not going to hear you."

Aimee was so into the song that she didn't notice the two men that had entered the store and approached her. Getting no response from the girl, one of the men tapped her

on the shoulder just hard enough to get her attention. Aimee spun around in shock, picking up a box cutter to use as a weapon if necessary.

"Woah, I didn't mean to frighten you. You can put the knife down. We come in peace."

Shock quickly turned to embarrassment as Aimee got a good look at the two men that she thought were there to attack her. Both men were handsome and well dressed.

One of the men wore a black leather jacket and the other had a fedora hat and black rimmed glasses. She was thinking that they looked familiar but couldn't place from


The man with the fedora spoke first chuckling softly and grinning. "Great song you are listening to."

"Yeah, it is my favorite. I absolutely love it but I guess you could tell by how loud I was singing."

"I'm Patrick and this is Pete. You probably recognize us by now, huh?"

"Don't worry about the singing. Patrick sings in the shower all the time."

"Dammit Pete, would you shut up?" Patrick exclaimed as he punched Pete in the shoulder

Aimee took a closer look at the men. OH.MY.GOD!!!!! FALL OUT BOY!!!!!

Pete laughed. "Guilty as charged."

Aimee couldn't believe that she was standing in front of her favorite band.......and tried to kill them. All she could think of to do was start apologizing.

"I am so sorry about that. I'm Aimee. Um, can I help you find anything?"

Patrick was apologizing as well. "No harm, no foul. It was kinda our fault for startling you from behind."

Pete chimed in at that point. "So, yeah, I need shampoo, deodorant and after shave. Patrick here needs condoms, lots of condoms." Pete broke out in hysterical laughter at

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