An Unexpected Proposition Part 8

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 Patrick and Aimee were married on September 25th in a intimate ceremony. The day was beautiful and the leaves on the trees had just begun to change

colors. Patrick and Aimee had written their own vows and Aimee cried several times during the ceremony. Once they were pronounced man and wife,

Patrick kissed his new bride deeply. "I am ready to start our new life together."

The reception was a blast. Andy and Joe took turns dancing with the bride and even tried to dance with Patrick. Pete had disappeared somewhere

though and nobody could find him. An hour or so later, Aimee noticed Pete standing by himself in a corner of the room.

"Patrick, is Pete okay? He looks upset."

"Let me go talk to him"

Patrick walked over to Pete and he could see that he was upset. "Hey Pete, are you okay?"

"Patrick, this has had me thinking how I am never going to find a good woman to marry. I'm going to be that "fuck 'em and leave 'em guy all my life.'

"Pete, c'mon. We will help you find someone who loves you for what you have inside, not because you are Pete Wentz." Pete smiled at Patrick.

This is why they were best friends, Patrick always was looking out for him.

"Now come enjoy the party Pete"

Pete joined the group and sang and even did some dancing. What he did a lot of though was drink. He never drank this much though.

"Andy, will you take Pete home? He needs to sleep this off."

"Sure thing. C'mon Pete, let's go"

Patrick turned to Aimee. "baby, I wish I didn't have to take this promotional trip tomorrow. I want us to have a wonderful honeymoon."

"Oh sweetie, we will have a great one. You will only be gone a few days and then we are gone for two weeks." "Now let's get out of here and enjoy

our wedding night."

"You don't have to tell me twice"

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